I read on Yahoo a day or two ago that some states have an official state pet! Most seemed to be dogs. No surprise perhaps although the cat lovers may object! Of course I skimmed down the list but there was no New Mexico or Arizona listing.
Anyway, if I were to hazard a guess as to what my current home state would have for their official mascot pet, I would say either the Pit Bull or the Chihuahua. Most of the young couples seem to have a Pitty or two and most of the older folks seem to have a Chihuahua. Now on the surface you could not get much more different but then there are some similarities as well.
While they may be small, most Chihuahuas are very defensive or ever aggressive little critters and the 'ankle biter' term fits them very well. They seem to have no notion how little and fragile they really are and do not hesitate to go pick a fight with a buzz saw or a Rhino! Many Pit Bulls are aggressive or at least very defensive, too. I don't think it is really a breed trait but a lot of them are specifically bred and trained to be aggressive, both as a kind of guard dog and --deplorably!!--to be 'pitted' against other dogs in a fight ring. (Pun intended.) But in recent times the rescue people have been equally aggressive in trying to save many of these hapless animals and teaching the public that Pits can be good, loving, loyal and trustworthy dogs. And I know they can.
I have to admit to a bit of prejudice, though, and I just do not really like the way they look. However that is not to say I would never take one under any circumstances! I may well end up a Pit Bull owner some day for all I know. Chihuahuas less likely; they really are tooooo little! I would be afraid of stepping on one or hurting it in some other way because they are so very small. Little Rojo is small enough to be of come concern but at least he weighs sixteen or seventeen pounds and is fairly canny about staying clear of big feet. Chihuahuas can be maybe five to eight pounds!
As for my official personal 'state' dog--well, there would be three in a row: one Aussie, one Border Collie and one Blue Heeler!! Although I could also make room for a Husky or a Malamute (which BTW is the Alaska state dog, no surprise!) And I also have a huge weak spot for the good old Heinz 57 all-American mutt. Especially a maybe doxie-spaniel cross of a red hue...
And below are Belle, Ginger and Wiggles, the late and beloved Blue Heeler of my dear friend Julie Smithson. She now has Good Boy, also a Heeler and also blind.
Random thoughts and musings of authors Deirdre O'Dare and Gwynn Morgan.
Welcome to my World
Welcome to the domain different--to paraphrase from New Mexico's capital city of Santa Fe which bills itself "The City Different." Perhaps this space is not completely unique but my world shapes what I write as well as many other facets of my life. The four Ds figure prominently but there are many other things as well. Here you will learn what makes me tick, what thrills and inspires me, experiences that impact my life and many other antidotes, vignettes and journal notes that set the paradigm for Dierdre O'Dare and her alter ego Gwynn Morgan and the fiction and poetry they write. I sell nothing here--just share with friends and others who may wander in. There will be pictures, poems, observations, rants on occasion and sometimes even jokes. Welcome to our world!
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Adventures on Wheels
This is a little long and I have added a few pix but it's the mini-essay I wrote at the Writer's Group on Friday. May evoke a few memories or chuckles from the younger ones here!
Late in
1951, the family got an addition when my first brother was born. For that
winter Mom stayed home in Jerome with the new baby and I did part of the time
as well. Mom and Dad decided they needed a better vehicle to safely transport
an infant and the little Jeep was traded. The new car was another Jeep but a
pickup this time, and gray instead of black. It had a nice wide bench seat and
definitely a heater. Wow. Still no radio or air but it was a big improvement
for me. We kept it for several years and then acquired another, very similar,
that was with us into the latter part of the 1950s. I’d have to check when we
traded it off.
I was
always a Ford girl but my loyalties wavered for a bit. A boy I got a crush on
had a refurbished older Corvette, screaming red, that I coveted and then a 1957
Plymouth Fury, both ‘cool’ cars in a teen’s eyes. About the same time, Ford
debuted the Ranchero pickup and I really wanted one of them. They are still
neat in my estimate!
I know Ralph Nadar said the Pinto was unsafe but mine never
caused me any concern. It did eat starters though and unless you loosened the
engine mounts and jacked the engine up a few inches you had to pull a five-inch
object through a three-inch hole which was a painful challenge. But otherwise
it was a great little car and well loved. I drove it for several years and put
about 100,000 miles on it.
Since then there have been many. In the fall of 1971 I
married and acquired part ownership of an Opal Kadet and use of an old blue GMC (1957?) along with a spouse and three step children. A year or two later the paid-off
Opal was traded for a green Chevy pickup of early 60s vintage and the old GMC
went back to my father-in-law. About that time we moved to Colorado with the Chevy and my Pinto.
Cars did
not play a big role for me until I was a teenager. However, they've always been
there and a way of getting from here to there and especially to various
adventures. The first one I vaguely remember was the 1939 Ford coupe (two door passenger car for you youngsters!), black of
course. It carried my parents, with toddler-aged me, from Kansas
City , MO , then my father’s family
home, to central Arizona
in the early weeks of 1946. I really do not recall the trip as I was not quite
three. It was a long journey but we arrived in Cottonwood , AZ
perhaps in February or March. A few weeks later we landed in Jerome, the old
mining camp on the hill above the Verde
Valley .
For another
year or two the old Ford served us well but then in about 1948 it was traded
for a much more exotic set of wheels!
Dad got a 1949 Willy’s Jeep Universal, one of the first sold for
commercial use after the vehicle had been
created for the military during World
War II. It, too, was black but also had a tan canvas top and kind of cab that
zipped and snapped over a frame, almost a convertible of sorts. There were two
bucket seats in front and a small bench seat in the back but it was usually out
of the vehicle to make room for supplies, camp gear, luggage etc. That meant I
sat between the buckets on a pillow or two straddling the gear shifts. Not the
most comfy spot. No radio, no air, and not a lot of frills. There may have been
a heater; I'm not sure.
Thus I hated
long trips of which we took quite a few. I was too short to see out and my seat
was lumpy and hard. Already I knew
better than to whine but I suspect that is about the time I began to make up
stories to entertain myself. I do recall I always got a terrible headache and
cried quietly for many miles with my eyes squeezed closed.
That car
took us camping, out to southern California
where Dad’s sisters had moved, and then out to Camp
Wood , a tiny settlement miles out of Prescott where dad taught
the one room school for the 1951-52 and 1952-53 school years. It even went up
to the North Kaibab in the intervening summer
where the folks ran a fire lookout tower for the Forest Service.
Those two
trucks took us on many adventures and pulled a trailer to take horses and mules
to the end of the road from which we rode off here and there. They appeared in
a number of illustrations for articles Dad wrote for outdoor adventure
magazines. After the Jeeps there were two very similar white Ford pickups and
the second one was the car I learned to drive with. However, the first car I
ever drove was a dusty gray-green coupe --maybe a Chevy?--of about mid 1930s vintage that
belonged to the brother of a girl friend of mine. He and I dated a few times
and once he let me drive the car. Another wow. It was a long while before I
finally got my license, a fact I resented greatly for a time.
About this
time a local doctor got one of the new sporty little Fords called a
Thunderbird! It was white and had the round windows, one on each side behind the doors. Now a teen, I suddenly got
car conscious! I wanted one of those fast, fancy and sexy little cars in the
worst way and dreamed I would paint it turquoise or lavender, my favorite
still license-less and car-less, I went off to college. No longer able to drive
a ranch truck on back roads, I did drive a few roommates’ cars to keep my hand
in. Then it was time to move on and start adult life with a job. I needed to
rent an Econoline type van to carry my stuff from Flagstaff after
four years at NAU to Sierra Vista .
To do that, I had to have a license. I used my friend and current roomie’s blue
Maverick, aced the written test and squeaked by on the road test part.
At last, a bona fide legal driver!
after I began my first formal job at Fort
Huachuca , I realized I
needed a car. I rented one in Sierra Vista and
drove to Tucson .
I believe it was Earnhart, but at any rate, a Ford dealership was my first
stop. The young salesman saw me eyeing the Pinto in the show room and did not
have a lot of trouble selling me one. The two available were a white and a lime
green. I drove the white one home. He promised to handle the rental car for me
and I guess he did as they never came after me! My own wheels and freedom at
last! It was a wonderful heady feeling even though my princely new salary of
$8.098 a year was taxed with renting an apartment, buying personal necessities and now
a car payment and gasoline—well under $1.00 a gallon at that time but still not cheap if you drove a lot, which I did.
In 1975
when my father-in-law died as an odd result of a minor accident, we acquired his
little Datsun (now Nissan) pickup. That’s what my middle stepson learned to drive and
flipped once, luckily without harm to himself or his buddy. They were not drunk
or high but just took a gravel road corner a little too fast. When it was fixed
we had it repainted from olive to blue. After we endured a blizzard for some
eighteen hours in the Pinto we decided to trade the Chevy in on a Plymouth
Trailduster SUV, which is a clone of the Dodge Ramcharger made for the Canadian
market but also sold some in the USA . We got it in the spring of
1977 and that fall ended up moving to California .
I passed the Pinto along to my brother’s then girlfriend who needed a car for
herself and her two little kids. I've kicked myself ever since.
We took the
Datsun and the Trailduster to California and
used them until we moved back to Arizona
in 1983. Finally I needed a new car to get to work–back at Fort Huachuca
again—and had in succession a white Ford Escort, a golden-tan Plymouth Reliant K-car,
and finally a blue gray Buick Century after I had retired. My husband and I
took some fun trips with it during the next few years. It was a nice car. By the way the Plymie was the first car with air conditioning that I ever owned!
When the DH passed away in 2003, I soon sold the old Trailduster which had wiring issues
and would sometimes spark or smoke in odd ways and scared me. The Datsun had
been sold earlier. I soon decided I wanted a truck and got a good deal on a 2002
Mazda B3000 on which I assumed payments and soon paid off. Then, when my
youngest brother died suddenly from an aneurysm in 2005, I got his little white
Ford Focus wagon, a 2000 model. My other brother took the old 1969 white F-250
pickup which our dad had gotten from El Paso Gas in Farmington , NM
in about 1971. It is a family heirloom now and will stay in the family until we
are gone!
At one
point, about 2006, I even had a Thunderbird, a 1966 model which
was too new and
too big but I could not resist. It had been partly restored with most of the
mechanical work done but needed body and interior work. I finally realized I
could not afford to have it done and sold it for what I had paid for it. I
hardly drove it at all but at least it decorated my yard for awhile!
I've loved
the little red Mazda, especially since it is a clone of the Ford Ranger, and put about
60,000 miles on it with many good trips, even if I am not a fan of red cars. As
a joke, because I was writing ‘steamy’ romance novels by that time, I named it
“Red Hot Mama”—not me, but the truck, I hasten to add! As for the Focus, it
became “the Pattie Wagon” when I lived for a few months in Hurley , NM
on Pattie Ave.
The names of all the others have faded but I still have and drive those two and
probably they will be my last cars.
As there
have been a number of guys named Jim in my life, there have been a lot of white
vehicles with the Ford logo on them. Coincidence or something else? Who knows!
Friday, June 6, 2014
Marking D-Day
Seventy years ago today the allies stormed the beach at Normandy and World War II began to stagger toward VE day. I was just over thirteen months old so I knew nothing about it personally. It did not become significant to me until some years later when I was taking American History in school.
At that time, wars were not my favorite part of studying history but I did see they form many mile markers in the course of world events. It's probably been so since an early cave-man clan got on the outs with another bunch and they beat each outer with the shinbones of mammoths and stabbed with sharpened sticks. Humanity is a contrary and contentious bunch. We've always fought but our weapons get increasingly long-range and deadly, weapons of mass destruction if you will. Yet civilians have always suffered as much or more than the combatants, at least in the war zones.
We are rapidly losing the veterans of that war for most of them are in their nineties now. The last of the Navajo code talkers passed away this last week and I've read of several other World War II vets' passing in recent days. Called the "last great generation," the folks of that era were very different. from us now True, vets were cheered and honored, at least to some extent, when they came home but they struggled, too. At that time we did not know about PTSD or traumatic brain injuries--and I am sure there were some in soldiers who were near bombs landing and other concussive violence. Many were also subjected to poison gasses--less than in WW I but there still were some used. There were horrible wounds, both physical and mental/emotional that marked many lives.
On the home front, almost everything was rationed, speed limits were set at thirty MPH to conserve fuel and long trips or vacations were not encouraged. Many women went to work in industry for the first time and the image of Rosie the Riveter came to be. And like they say, how can you get them back on the farm after they've seen Paree? There was no going back. Thousands of troops had seen the world or strange new parts of it at least for them and women were not about to go back and forego the freedoms and independence they had gained with their war-related jobs. So it is valid to focus on wars as major implements of social change and watershed points in the course of a nation's or even humanities journey.
Like the treaties that ended WW I set the stage for World War II, so those agreements left room for future conflicts right up to this day. Someone is always the 'winner' and those who are not feel they got the short end of the stick and eventually want to claim their own back. I'm reminded of that sixties era protest song: when will they every learn? It seems the answer is never, at least not until we become a great deal more spiritually advanced, which is sad.
Most of the worlds' main religions preach peace and brotherhood among all mankind but that seems to break down when we are dealing with those who are a different race, color, creed or agenda than we are. And that makes me sad. So, D-Day seventy years on and we still have not really learned or changed or progressed. Still, I appreciate the well-meant sacrifices of those who died that day and honor their memories just as I do the veterans of all our wars. If the leaders and politicians had to go out do the fighting, there might be fewer deaths and less mayhem. It is too easy to say, "Let's you and him fight."
At that time, wars were not my favorite part of studying history but I did see they form many mile markers in the course of world events. It's probably been so since an early cave-man clan got on the outs with another bunch and they beat each outer with the shinbones of mammoths and stabbed with sharpened sticks. Humanity is a contrary and contentious bunch. We've always fought but our weapons get increasingly long-range and deadly, weapons of mass destruction if you will. Yet civilians have always suffered as much or more than the combatants, at least in the war zones.
We are rapidly losing the veterans of that war for most of them are in their nineties now. The last of the Navajo code talkers passed away this last week and I've read of several other World War II vets' passing in recent days. Called the "last great generation," the folks of that era were very different. from us now True, vets were cheered and honored, at least to some extent, when they came home but they struggled, too. At that time we did not know about PTSD or traumatic brain injuries--and I am sure there were some in soldiers who were near bombs landing and other concussive violence. Many were also subjected to poison gasses--less than in WW I but there still were some used. There were horrible wounds, both physical and mental/emotional that marked many lives.
On the home front, almost everything was rationed, speed limits were set at thirty MPH to conserve fuel and long trips or vacations were not encouraged. Many women went to work in industry for the first time and the image of Rosie the Riveter came to be. And like they say, how can you get them back on the farm after they've seen Paree? There was no going back. Thousands of troops had seen the world or strange new parts of it at least for them and women were not about to go back and forego the freedoms and independence they had gained with their war-related jobs. So it is valid to focus on wars as major implements of social change and watershed points in the course of a nation's or even humanities journey.
Like the treaties that ended WW I set the stage for World War II, so those agreements left room for future conflicts right up to this day. Someone is always the 'winner' and those who are not feel they got the short end of the stick and eventually want to claim their own back. I'm reminded of that sixties era protest song: when will they every learn? It seems the answer is never, at least not until we become a great deal more spiritually advanced, which is sad.
Most of the worlds' main religions preach peace and brotherhood among all mankind but that seems to break down when we are dealing with those who are a different race, color, creed or agenda than we are. And that makes me sad. So, D-Day seventy years on and we still have not really learned or changed or progressed. Still, I appreciate the well-meant sacrifices of those who died that day and honor their memories just as I do the veterans of all our wars. If the leaders and politicians had to go out do the fighting, there might be fewer deaths and less mayhem. It is too easy to say, "Let's you and him fight."
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