This is a favorite Christmas picture from very long ago, 1951 to be exact. That is eight and a half year old me holding my new baby-doll, a living one, my then six week old brother. He's the same one I share a home with today. So many years later, we can remember many holidays shared. That is a precious gift indeed!
It is my opinion that Christmas was carefully placed at this time by the very early Christian fathers who realized they were not likely to completely erase centuries old pagan traditions. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em! And so they did. I think that is okay and just chuckle at some of my more intensely fundamentalist friends and acquaintances who are horrified at the very idea. One's faith and spiritual beliefs are, to me, personal and private and not to be disputed. but to each his, her or their own! Mine have been 'different' all my life but I honor those of others with total respect so long as they do not cause actual harm or pain to anyone.
At any rate, the oldest of the traditional carols and hymns still bring tears to my eyes. I sense there is something definitely sacred and special about the season. Always has been and will be. It is just a bit odd maybe that so many different cultures and ethnic groups recognize some religious or secular event around this time of the year. Perhaps the vast collective power of belief and commemoration has created an energy and an entity here that we cannot see or pin down but many can feel. I count myself among them. So with that in mind, I'll share a few verses I have scribed in recent days for the Yule, the Solstice and the coming year. And I wish all my readers here a joyous time of celebration and sharing with friends and loved ones. Treasure the precious and empowering time!
Season’s Greetings!
2014 will soon be
And quite a year it’s
As ever a mix of good
and bad,
About like all I’ve
Amazing travel
chasing a dream,
Many quiet times at
A new goal and
purpose discovered
That gave me the
courage to roam.
My two little canine
I had to leave sadly
But they were
delighted to see me
When my way back home
I did find.
Old friends and new
share my vision,
Just as I share in
their dreams;
Goals only come with
much struggle
But the triumph that
much sweeter seems.
My wish for all loved
ones this season
Is that you may also
find new
Purpose or goal for
And in time it will
come to you.
So honor the holy
And cherish the loved
ones you hold
Close to your heart
all year long
And pray the Great
Spirit enfold
All of them in a safe
And fulfill all their
wishes and needs
As we all go into the near year
To reap those dear-planted
GMW © 2014
Another year is fading fast;
Each seems quicker than the last.
Where does the time go, back behind
Us? Is there yet any way to find
The things we’ve lost along the way,
Or are they past and gone to stay?
As long as memories live they’ll be
A part of us, eternally.
All we have loved and done and been
Within us dwells, naught comes between.
Neither you or I an island lies
Apart, alone, beneath earth’s skies.
There are things that never change
However many years we’ve seen.
The timeless love of friends and kin,
Sweet memories of good times mean
More as they fade into the past.
They will be with us ‘til the last.
As we near the end of another year
Do we find ourselves looking back
More instead of forward now?
Perhaps we seek a different tack
To take us to our ending time,
Now yearning for the
heav’nly clime.
Yet each day and year is a rare gift,
For the many miracles we may find:
New friends, new dreams, as well as old
And all the precious ties that bind.
We are the sum of all we’ve done
Triumphs, challenges and races run.
So life your face up to the sun
And revel in its warmth and light
The precious gifts of light and love
Shining upon us, ever bright.
The promises we know will be
With faith, ours for eternity.