Just for fun, the same date three years in a row. The more things change the more they stay the same? Well not totally since in 1960 I was out of school.
Mar 28, 1960
A busy day for me. Dad and Mom went to Flagstaff to pay a friendly visit to the loan company and I was left to hold the fort. I ironed, did dishes, and made a batch of perfectly frightful cookies. Anyway I had fun and Charlie Mike was a perfect angel. I had to keep control of Janey, Mike Post, Kippy and Marie while doing the chores and later I played ball with them. I guess we’ll have to work again tomorrow. Tonight I am restless. I keep getting restless. The book I am reading describes my feelings rather well. I want to love and be loved. I can see why lots of teenage girls get married. I want somebody; not just somebody but someone special that is RE and BO and “Luke” and many other former fancies all rolled into one. I’ll never find a man like that. Au revoir, Gaye
I'm not sure what those perfectly frightful cookies were! I made cookies a lot about this time and often pretty much made up my own recipes. Usually they came out good enough but maybe this time they did not. The kids were all neighborhood ones and mostly Charlie Mike's age or even younger. Janey was Janey Jackson, a little Downs Syndrome girl up the street. Kippy and Marie were Santillans, lived in our block and Mike Post was one of Charlie Mike's classmates and kind of friend. Not sure where he lived actually--around there. It was fun to try to do the chores and keep this bunch out of mischief or getting hurt. RE and BO were a couple of my recent crushes and "Luke" was Luke McCain on The Rifleman, one of my favorite shows.
Mar 28, 1961
Well, it finally really rained. I was afraid it had forgotten how, by golly. I was able to ride Stella out to the pasture this morning, but it began to rain soon after I got home and kept raining off and on all day. I got my two letters from Wayne today--they were goodies. I spent most of the afternoon writing. It takes me awhile to answer Wayne’s letters. Gotta be very careful, you know. I went uptown in the rain this afternoon to mail some letters and go to the library. I saw Linda Carpenter and Martha Scearce and talked to them some. By the time we started on the chores it was raining pretty good and it kept up steady all evening. I sewed quite a bit, finishing Charlie Mike’s shirt and stitching up a gray skirt for myself. Know something? Wayne is a dead ringer for Jim Garner and I’ve got photos to prove it. Wow. I read over all his letters tonight. It is kinda interesting to see how our ‘friendship’ developed. Just one thing, he reminds me of Blondie--don’t know whether I like that or not. Love ya, Gaye
So it rained. I managed to ride to the pasture before it began. Stella was a nice little mule that we sold within the year as I recall. Wayne was at that point a favored pen pal. He was cute. Did he look like James Garner? Maybe a little bit. At least on paper and the phone--never met face to face--he as quite a flirt. That's probably what reminded me of Blondie, yet another nickname for my nemesis that almost got me into serious trouble the year before. They did not look at all alike for sure. It must have been a Saturday since I do not mention school and I was back for my junior year at this point.
Mar 28, 1962
I hated to get up this morning because I hadn’t slept well but some things must be done. I took off for school, still rather hungry. The morning passed quickly and uneventfully. Reen for once had a big lunch and I had only a cheese sandwich--boy, I got hungry but I couldn’t eat. We had an assembly this afternoon in which a tape recording of a speech about “brainwashing” was played. It made a lot of sense. I got letters from Wayne and Jose today. I can’t answer them just yet though. I did the home chores and when Dad got back from Prescott we drove out to the pasture and did those chores. I drove all the way home. Viva las ruedas. Dad helped me a little but I drove anyway. In a few weeks I’ll learn how to do it better. I spent the evening working on my paper. I must or I’ll never get it done. Curses on term papers…but they are necessary…I guess. It is now nearly 10:00 pm. My face aches like it’s got 10,000 fiends in it. My weary eyes are heavy and I guess I must go. Lawyer Boyle has been desperately ill--how inconvenient of him--but maybe he can do something before long. Excuse my dreadful writing tonight. I’m in a state.
And now in the last semester, a bit more serious than I had been the previous years I think. I was just starting to learn to drive. This time I was with Dad though actually Mom drove with me a lot more than he did and she was usually patient as I ground gears and jerked. Yes, it was a stick shift in a Ford F150 pickup. I didn't drive an automatic for quite awhile as we did not have one. Term paper time, probably the first one of two I did for English. And I actually enjoyed research and writing. That stood me in good stead when I eventually went off to college..Why I could not eat and my face ached, I really do not recall. Possible an abscessed tooth--that happened to me a few times--or maybe fever blisters, which I seemed to get a lot. Or it could have been an accident like getting hit with the toggle of a barbwire gate...ouchy! Mr Boyle was an attorney Dad had retained to work on some legal issues--I ignored that mess all I could and developed a huge dislike for the whole idea.
What a bunch of boring crap!! Well, life tends to be like that. Pictures? Not many to even consider right here. Okay, all five of us, in the fall of 1959--Alex was about 6 months old. Do not think it was any major occasion but Grandma was there to visit from Kentucky I think. Then us three kids on the truck--that would be the one I was learning to drive, probably about summer1962. And Wayne Wylder, pen pal with slight resemblance to James Garner? (very slight LOL.)