How have I been a student for over three months already? Time flies, some fun and some not so much...
Dec 2, 1966
Friday finally. I went to accounting--got a 2 on that test, damn the luck, Checked around on the pre-registration. That's got to be taken care of next week. Spent a couple of hours prowling through the library. That's pleasant. No mail. Ate and left for History. It was too cold for a walk so I read until dinner and then went to eat. Carol went out so I was alone (and 'blue') most of the evening. That's life I guess. Bet it's bad weather tomorrow
So back to wrap up the last week, partly spent at Clarkdale at the end of the Thanksgiving holiday.
Saturday the 26th Charlie Mike and I rode, two circles with Chief and Lyno. The track inspector --filling in for absent Earl was an Indian guy and the GP-9 units on the local were 717 and 750. Riding done by noon and after lunch I worked on Buzzie's scabby leg--she had torn it up somehow and it was healing slowly. Also did the laundry, cleaned out Twinkle's corral, and even got a 15 piece ironing done. I griped that the folks had argued all day and said I'd be glad to leave and planned to stay in Flag until the Christmas holiday. The next day was busy too. We went up to Mingus for wood. It was very pretty up on the mountain and we saw one of Geronimo's old burros (He was a hermit woodcutter who lived up there for many years, hiding from the law, it was said. By now he had passed away.) We got a big load on pickup and trailer and came home down the Allen Spring and Copper Chief roads We had to hurry to unload, feed and have dinner. I just made the late bus and headed back up the hill. Walking down to campus was chilly.
Back to the routine on Monday, Nov 28. No test after all in Accounting and the other classes were routine. This normal routine was getting established now. I might grumble and cuss myself for the 2s that I got off and on but the anxiety about grades had abated a great deal. Wednesday we had a practice book keeping set quiz in Accounting and I started making some Christmas cards. I made most of those I sent for many years. 'Eve's curse' finally hit, which seemed a few days late--I had been quite variable on my schedule for some time, probably too much stress and then such big changes in my life. The real distress hit me at Rodeo Club that night. It hit hard, one of those "I'd like to die now" times, the worst I had been for awhile. I went to bed as soon as I got back to the dorm. Remembering Nov 30, 1965, I said it was a heck of a way to celebrate the anniversary of losing my virginity! Thursday I complained there were just 24 days until Christmas which was upsetting when one is almost flat broke. I jokingly wondered how good I could get at shoplifting! And then once more it was Friday. I quietly hoped there would be no need to go 'home' until I went for the holiday.
Pictures? Few to no new ones to share. Let me see... An old one--through the ears. I think that is me on Tina who was gone by this time, having crossed the equine rainbow bridge in March that year. Then me with Chief and I think Leo--one time when I was home, probably spring 67 but not sure. First snow in 1966--the week before? Maybe the week after--brain blink. And two views of ATSF trains captured on my many walks. That outdoor time meant a lot to me that fall and winter.