Welcome to my World

Welcome to the domain different--to paraphrase from New Mexico's capital city of Santa Fe which bills itself "The City Different." Perhaps this space is not completely unique but my world shapes what I write as well as many other facets of my life. The four Ds figure prominently but there are many other things as well. Here you will learn what makes me tick, what thrills and inspires me, experiences that impact my life and many other antidotes, vignettes and journal notes that set the paradigm for Dierdre O'Dare and her alter ego Gwynn Morgan and the fiction and poetry they write. I sell nothing here--just share with friends and others who may wander in. There will be pictures, poems, observations, rants on occasion and sometimes even jokes. Welcome to our world!

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Memoir Monday Dec 2, 1966

 How have I been a student for over three months already? Time flies, some fun and some not so much...

Dec 2, 1966

Friday finally. I went to accounting--got a 2 on that test, damn the luck, Checked around on the pre-registration. That's got to be taken care of next week. Spent a couple of hours prowling through the library. That's pleasant. No mail. Ate and left for History. It was too cold for a walk so I read until dinner and then went to eat. Carol went out so I was alone (and 'blue') most of the evening. That's life I guess. Bet it's bad weather tomorrow 

So back to wrap up the last week, partly spent at Clarkdale at the end of the Thanksgiving holiday. 

Saturday the 26th Charlie Mike and I rode, two circles with Chief and Lyno. The track inspector --filling in for absent Earl was an Indian guy and the GP-9 units on the local were 717 and 750. Riding done by noon and after lunch I worked on Buzzie's scabby leg--she had torn it up somehow and it was healing slowly. Also did the laundry, cleaned out Twinkle's corral, and even got a 15 piece ironing done. I griped that the folks had argued all day and said I'd be glad to leave and planned to stay in Flag until the Christmas holiday.  The next day was busy too. We went up to Mingus for wood. It was very pretty up on the mountain and we saw one of Geronimo's old burros (He was a hermit woodcutter who lived up there for many years, hiding from the law, it was said. By now he had passed away.) We got a big load on pickup and trailer and came home down the Allen Spring  and Copper Chief roads We had to hurry to unload, feed and have dinner. I just made the late bus and headed back up the hill. Walking down to campus was chilly.

Back to the routine on Monday, Nov 28. No test after all in Accounting and the other classes were routine. This normal routine was getting established now.  I might grumble and cuss myself for the 2s that I got off and on but the anxiety about grades had abated a great deal. Wednesday we had a practice book keeping set quiz in Accounting and I started making some Christmas cards. I made most of those I sent for many years. 'Eve's curse' finally hit, which seemed a few days late--I had been quite variable on my schedule for some time, probably too much stress and then such big changes in my life. The real distress hit me at Rodeo Club that night. It hit hard, one of those "I'd like to die now" times, the worst I had been for awhile. I went to bed as soon as I got back to the dorm. Remembering Nov 30, 1965, I said it was a  heck of a way to celebrate the anniversary of losing my virginity! Thursday I complained there were just 24 days until Christmas which was upsetting when one is almost flat broke. I jokingly wondered how good I could get at shoplifting!  And then once more it was Friday. I quietly hoped there would be no need to go 'home' until I went for the holiday.

Pictures? Few to no new ones to share. Let me see...  An old one--through the ears. I think that is me on Tina who was gone by this time, having crossed the equine rainbow bridge in March that year. Then me with Chief and I think Leo--one time when I was home, probably spring 67 but not sure. First snow in 1966--the week before? Maybe the week after--brain blink. And two views of ATSF trains captured on my many walks. That outdoor time meant a lot to  me that fall and winter.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Memoir Monday, Nov 25, 1966

 A longer time at "home" with the Thanksgiving Holiday. Oh-kay. Let's unpack that. 

Nov 25, 1966

Friday,.Alex woke me at 7:00 and I dragged out about 8:00. We ate, watered and changed tires all around on the pickup and found a loose bearing in the left front which, when corrected,, greatly reduced the shimmy. We had our signatures motorized and The Boss was off with them in hand for his latest legal shenanigan .I spent two hours cleaning, removed the loathed old crib etc. Then after lunch I put in two hours cleaning corrals. That's plenty. Listened to the tales of the day's progress and did some sewing. I've got the pretty purple dress fixed and a blouse plus one for Mom. The house looks different but it is still dirty. And I am really beat. No work on Cindy tonight, I got a start on it, anyway. Let's call 10:20 bedtime, OK? 

I am sure Alex was too big for the old baby bed and I think was now on the cot as Charlie Mike had my old bed  (an Army cot prior to that) so why it was not removed long ago I have no idea. Just no one could bother!  So eldest daughter goes to work. The purple dress was jersey, fitted bodice and flared skirt and I really liked it, another Goodwill purchase. I thought it was flattering and a good date dress.  So to slide back to the prior weekend and the days before the holiday break began.

Nov 19-20 I did not get up early on Saturday but Charlie Mike and I rode. Chief was a bit high--he had not been getting enough exercise but I got him controlled and lead several others and also later rode Leo. Found our friend Earl was still not back at work. That evening Jim M came by for me I said I was surprised how at ease I felt. The letters we'd exchanged had helped there--shifting from teacher-pupil to two friendly near equals. I helped some of the actors put on make up and Jim was only slightly defiant in escorting me while the cast had a post show party. We went down to the teachers' lounge for a bit of peace and quiet where he smoked half a pack and then I got a 'guided tour' around main complex. Some still familiar and some where I had never been before. Afterward we went to the steak house for a burger and ran into more of the kids. They were not sure what to think I bet. 

Woke up Sunday with an awful headache--and I had not had any booze!The Boss was rather glum but my ride came promptly at 9:00 and I was off, leaving my comb and brush on the dresser,  DTBL.  Jim claimed he'd rather listen than talk which I found hard to believe but his private persona is different than his teacher one. We had brunch at the Lumberjack and he then took me back to the dorm and carried my suitcase to the door, promising to come by the house over the holiday unless he went to his parents'.

Back to school routine on Monday, Nov 21,  Classes were all out early and Carol and I had dinner and went to a free movie at the Student Union. Tuesday the weather was getting cold and windy so followed the normal routine and then Carol and I loaded into her car --a 1966 Mustang, I think new--and drove down; 89A. She was going home to Prescott and dropped me off at 409 Main  as we'd planned. I loafed the afternoon away and helped Charlie Mike with the chores. I slept that night in my old bed with Alex. 

I slept a bit late the next day but watered after Charlie Mike and Alex left for school and Mom for work. Then it was Thanksgiving Day with not a lot of  celebration as usual in our family. Charlie Mike and I did ride and I showed him how to handle Lyno when she was excited and frisky. We did have chicken, 'taters, and gravy etc. at least. And then it was Friday,  as covered above. I had already firmly planned  to go back as early on Sunday as I could, maybe on the midday bus since I had an important accounting test on Monday I was not going to miss. There were still a couple of days of the holiday to go, though  In some ways these breaks were good but I was mostly on pins and needles lest some catastrophe suddenly occur. I did enjoy the chances to ride and be outdoors because that helped me make the transition between two greatly different life styles.Within another year that was almost totally completed. 

A few pictures not totally irrelevant! MUHS--same stage, different year. This was in 1961 or 62 but already Jim M was directing the Mingus Drams efforts. I cannot recall what play this was but I was there and snapped this photo! Of course that venue was still used in 1966. Next me on Chief. He was a good looking horse and mostly fun to ride as a stallion just has a bit more power and oomph than a mare or gelding does. Then Charlie Mike and I riding, one of my weekends or holidays back, following the old Outfit Track on the north side of Bitter Creek. And last, the Lumberjack Band struts their stuff at a football game, long \before the big domed stadium came to be.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Memoir Monday, Nov 18, 1966

Typical/Atypical Friday? 

Nov 18, 1966

Friday and I kinda had the fidgets. Went to Accounting and got Monday's assignment out of the way and finished my quilted outfit. The college directories are out. I was real pleased with that. Had lunch and went to History. Returned to the dorm--no notes or anything so I waited. I poured over the directory for two hours finding names and such and finally went to dinner. And luck would have it I ran into Jerry. He starts to kind of bug me. We were going to play pool (ye gods)  and ended up walking. I am going to have to turn him off. When I got back there was a note; Mom and Alex were in the lobby. We went to the library and finally down to the Valley. They ate and we talked and I finally went to bed on the cot about 12:00. What a day. But relax; as (Who??Can't read my own scribble) says, "You ain't seen nothing yet." 

So to go back and recap the week that just ended. 

November 12 and 13 were spent in Clarkdale. Did some foot trimming and Charlie Mike (CM) and I were riding when the Local came in. Learned Earl R is still in the hospital so I though I might send him a get well card as I doubt his wife would flip out! Then we went to the clinic--I stayed out as Mom still going--and on to Camp Verde and Montezuma. I drove much of the trip and was glad for a chance to keep my skill up. We celebrated Charlie Mike's birthday on Sunday which was a lovely day weather-wise.I got blisters as we cleaned most of the corrals. CM and I rode out the river road but not on across the flats. Nothing will ever be the same again; would I go back if I could? No...I wouldn't. We had a good dinner and I gave CM the camera I had got at Goodwill.  It was exactly like mine so I threw in a couple of rolls of film. He was tickled. We drove up to Flagstaff the next morning, later than I wished. I cut all my classes except Science since we were after 9:00 getting there, too late for English and so on. 

Back to business as usual on Tuesday. Nothing  exciting or exceptional.  Wednesday I found I had missed a 1 in accounting test by four lousy points, During the week I got letters from Judy, Jim M, and Shirl Coulter . (Judy and Shirl were long-term pen pals)  Jim wanted me to come down for the fall school play and said he would bring me back up. I argued with myself a bit but guess what won out. Why not?  So that happened the next week.

Before you wonder why I was starting to keep company with my old teacher when I was still very dedicated to Dusty, there was method in the madness. It played well at home to have an apparent "new suitor" in case the old issue of the 'railroad man' was to re-arise. And there were some rumors at Mingus that Mr M was gay so a "girlfriend" was useful for him. The Rodeo Club was planning a turkey shoot and I knew I would try to go. Then Thursday slid by with little fanfare. And Friday came along.

Photo scramble:  Two Class of '62 members that were involved with NAU: Jerry Airth who I have been mentioning and Lila Bentley who had been the roommate of my first roommate, Carol for two years. Never saw Canbys again. Then Jim M's infamous Green Mercury Cougar that we called the Green Hornet. And then two shots of Charlie Mike and me riding on some of my weekends back in Clarkdale. Almost always did some of that.  (Sorry--got lazy and did not flip the first one!) 

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Memoir Monday, Nov 11, 1966

Nov 11, 1966 

An odd thought--1966 would have been a midterm election but I do not recall anything about it; it should have been November 7, I think. ~ Oh well! If so, I missed it; probably only one of two for all my adult life and only one Presidential. I do take that duty very seriously. And another notion, at that time I knew there was Veteran's Day but it did not mean a great deal to me for it did not touch my life as it has in the last several decades. Today I honor and observe it and those for whom it was created. I salute all Veterans, some of whom are very dear and close to me. 

Nov 11, 1966

Back in the saddle again  and it is always good. Only two places in the world where I feel absolutely right --in the saddle and in a certain guy's arms. I rode Chief. He was pretty high, pretty damn high. In the afternoon we cut up some of the big old junipers for firewood. I went to the "powder puff" football game with Charlie Mike. Jim wasn't there --oh cuss. But I talked to Mrs. Fitzgerald. She is really nice. Lots of people do not recognize me--isn't that funny? I wore my hair up so I guess I do look different. God knows, I am different.

That was a surprise, no? The Boss was in town  and left me a message. so I went.  I do not really know why I went to the Valley a day early but did not miss any critical school stuff apparently. And those classes on Thursday seemed like they should be M-W-F ones? I am confused! Anyway, to run through the week. 

Nov 5 and 6:  Saturday I said, "A free day is always a sort of small treasure to me. I feel a combined sens of abandon and a miserly wish to hoard each precious second." That level of idleness was still so unusual and almost felt stolen after those many days of endless sameness for hours and more hours, and hardly a bit of relaxing or feeling free.  That did not start to be 'normal' until the next spring and not totally until the following fall when all the old was totally gone at last. No one to answer to but myself and only a few responsibilities. This weekend I was out a lot and walked miles again, watching trains and jotting down car numbers for Charlie Mike's books. He kept lists in steno notebooks and I think still has them squirreled away somewhere; we are both hoarding packrats!  Sunday afternoon I wanted a treat and got a pint of Butter Pecan ice cream and ate it all watching trains on my little bridge or near it. Sadly the Lumberjacks lost to the Buffaloes--34 to 7! Some afternoons I was reading True Story type mags and thought of trying to write a few wild tales to earn a few bucks--it was not as easy as I thought!

Monday was a dull day, cold and wet. An accounting test still not back but one was in History and I got a 1 in it, only 93 this time so I said I must do better. The next day it snowed, the first real snow I was to see that year. It was so pretty and not having chores to do made it much more enjoyable! Late in the evening walked over to Chez Bon with Fran --dorm mate mentioned before--for cocoa and saw it had snowed about six inches and looked like fairyland. Made me recall another snowy night--can it be just a year ago? Dusty, do you remember?  By Wednesday it cleared and the snow made a million diamonds in the sun. It was icy though and I fell once. A Science test result--87, but the second highest score. Went to the Rodeo Club and thought Jim Polk was cute but a bit dissolute looking. Nick King, the club prez, was cuter except too short. Well I was very casually 'just looking.'  I did for sure ID Peggy W's roommates--yikes,  they looked pretty street-wise! Dusty's little girl is keeping  rough company but I guess her steady guy is okay--seems rather droll or stuffy really, a pre-law student! Thursday was normal until the point I left early.  We went down I-17 and stopped at Montezuma Stable. No one was around but the animals looked okay. Yes, that highway was still newly completed then.  

Some semi-pertinent photos: Two of Charlie Mike and me riding and one of me alone with the stallions on one of the weekends I was down. Then one from "Mars Hill (the telescope location) looking over at the campus fall 1966 and one of the ATSF units I snapped on my walks. And finally that first snow of 1966 

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Memoir Monday, Nov 4, 1966

 As is now customary, start with the actual day being remembered.

November 4, 1966 Friday

This was a pretty wild day in its way too. Got up and took the rollers out of my hair and dressed for breakfast.  Came back and studied my accounting a little. Actually the test was not too bad.  I could’ve made a 1, maybe. Walked to town and mailed my letters and then against my better judgment bought the Marty Robbins record. Had lunch early and then looked over my notes before History.  That test was really a good one. I may have slipped a little but I think I did okay. Got changed and went back to town. I cashed a $5.00 check so I could eat and watched trains. Got back to the dorm about 5:00 after stopping to do some grocery shopping. Had dinner and went to the pep rally, parade etc. It was really a riot--our dorm did a card thing,. I was the “S” in the bash for Bash the Buffaloes. The bonfire and all was a blast. I got back about 8:15.  They said I 'd had a phone call in the lobby and he said he’d call back. Probably Jerry Airth. No matter. Dusty would not call that number. So I settled down for a snack and turned on the phonograph. I love that Marty Robbins record! I really do. I’m not sorry even if I may miss that $3.00 real bad. It’s just sooo good.

 'Course that phone could have been Jim, but it wasn’t Dusty or the folks so no se importa. I’ll get a lot of rail watching the next two days, see the ‘Jacks stomp the Buffaloes (hopefully) and maybe get one more chapter of Cindy rewritten. I’ll have a few blue minutes no doubt. Possibly Dusty will call but I doubt it. What do I get him for Christmas? Well it is two months yet but I’ve got to start thinking. September and October sure flew by. It still doesn’t seem real, just too good to be true and too easy and all. When will I wake up?

So now to move through the preceding week: 

October 29-30, I was in Clarkdale and spent a lot of time in bed. I was using the cot so did get up and dress, but then lay on the big bed that had been mine most of Saturday. I managed to do some sewing and finished the machine part of a couple of skirts I could complete by hand later. Charlie Mike rode Saturday but I got up Sunday and did ride Chief and lead Leo. Charlie Mike saw Earl and learned they were bringing in a steel gang to lay a short spur to the old factory building up toward the dump.  I noticed they had razed the second smokestack and missed it on the horizon. Charlie Mike said they did it Thursday.  Sunday Charlie Mike got bopped in the face by the Boss, supposedly for sassing. That will never happen to me again, by Jove! My brother was furious but kept his cool though I know he will rebel, probably sooner than I did. It was very peaceful coming up in the bus by moonlight  Usually there were only one or two other passengers and sometimes none.

Monday I was still not feeling well but did go to eat and made all my classes--even though they ended up making me very sleepy! In the middle of evening study, I had "caller in the lobby". I jumped up and ran down through the halls. It was Jerry Airth. We went out for coffee . I liked Jerry and did not have to 'put on' for him at all which was easy and pleasant. I skipped the dorm Halloween party and went early to bed.

The next day started off normal but the buzzer sounded mid-morning as I had "visitors in the lobby."I almost freaked.  I had forgotten that I had to meet some Santa Fe brass as a "representative" of the Clarkdale Santa Fe Fan Club!  Mr Burroughs(caption says different and has me at ASU instead of NAU!!)  'interviewed' me and the photographer snapped several shots. I had my hair pinned up in a new style and feared I looked dorky. I suppose I did an adequate job of being a fan club rep! A brief write up finally appeared in the Santa Fe magazine the next spring! (more on that when it happened)  Then Wednesday and Thursday were fairly quiet and ordinary. In the mail I had checks for $5.00 from Grandma Witt and $25 from Uncle Dan, both welcome since funds were getting a bit thin.I scolded myself for not studying much for a few evenings but had begun to lose some of my fear I could not make better than adequate grades. And in truth, I did. The next year was my worst but there were "extenuating circumstances" and I never dropped below a 1- average. Then it was Friday, as I already covered, and looking toward another NAU weekend.

Photos: Me and Mr Burroughs as I was being interviewed. This one appeared in the Santa  Fe Magazine the next March. Then the front door of the North Quad which is where we were standing.The two years I lived there, the first was around the corner to the left in this shot and the second around to the right. Part of the same structure, they were called Morton Hall and Campbell Hall. Who Morton and Campbell were I have no idea!