Welcome to my World

Welcome to the domain different--to paraphrase from New Mexico's capital city of Santa Fe which bills itself "The City Different." Perhaps this space is not completely unique but my world shapes what I write as well as many other facets of my life. The four Ds figure prominently but there are many other things as well. Here you will learn what makes me tick, what thrills and inspires me, experiences that impact my life and many other antidotes, vignettes and journal notes that set the paradigm for Dierdre O'Dare and her alter ego Gwynn Morgan and the fiction and poetry they write. I sell nothing here--just share with friends and others who may wander in. There will be pictures, poems, observations, rants on occasion and sometimes even jokes. Welcome to our world!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Memoir Monday March 3, 1967

Another rather jumbled week, edging toward the middle of my second semester as an NAU coed.  Still bouncing back and forth but this one I stayed on campus. 

March 3, 1967

One day closer to Sunday. I got a lot of mail, letters from the Boss, Charlie Mike, Mama Witt and Judy. I thought The Boss would be up or else they'd call but no such. I finished Stewart Udall's book and did quite a bit of homework in the evening and got some letters written. Dr McFarlane really liked my report and wants me to enter some contest with it. I may join some honorary club, too. It all sounds nice, I'll find out more next week. Charlie Mike says Twyla is coming to Arizona to stay with her sister and brother in law. He was sure thrilled.

Now back to the previous weekend. It was mostly a stay at the dorm and be kind of bored time. I was hoping Dusty would call but no such luck. I got my report done, ironed clothes, read a couple of books and watched the rail while I soaked up sunshine and fought the wind. It was starting to be spring  and in Arizona that usually means wind. I was a little concerned about the forestry guy because I ran into him too frequently in the cafeteria and  he was even making a bit of conversation at times, very prosaic but I had to wonder. I did not want to go there or get involved but at times when I was discontented or lonely I had to wonder a little. Had not heard much from Jim M for awhile either. I mentioned that my hair had come out a gorgeous color and did not look to fake. I kept playing around with hues not too far from my natural shade but brighter or blonder or even redder. It was getting longer, too and I wore it a lot in a braid or pony tail or pinned up. 

Monday I had to skip lunch, at least until late,  to go to the bank and get out $25 to send the folks. Maybe I'll be late for History but I need to eat! A few more pounds and I'll look like a European film star Ha ha. If I had Mary's bosom or she had my waist ...oh well. She brought me fried chicken twice today from the cafeteria. I loe that gal. She is such a useful roommate! 

By Monday afternoon I was siting in the room at 7:45 working on another report and listening to two newer records. I had just drunk a 7Up. Mary was at the library. That day the sorority girls all dressed up and finished  moving out. Candy, JoAnn Armstrong, Jan and Kristen have all been accepted and starting moving over the weekend. I said I would not join a sorority if they paid me except possibly the Spurs, a women's honorary for sophomores. I sent the money to the folks and hoped it got there in time I could not do any more. 

Tuesday I fretted and wondered why Dusty had not called. It was harder in a way to know no letters at this time. I decided to sketch the forester and got my sketch pad after dinner and went back to the CU lobby. Joann Kendall came by and we talked for awhile. When he walked out with a couple of other foresters, they all got into a blue VW but it had California plates. Gave me a turn for an instant!

Then it was March.. You can never tell about a Wednesday I said.The Bio lab was okay. I only missed one on the quiz. The accounting test was a booger. I didn't quite finish it,. After lunch turned in my special report in at History and gave Dr McFarlane my reference papers. There was a pre-law meeting and Peggy W's new fiance was there. Kind of a doofus IMO! Took a short walk before supper and went to Rodeo Club.  Back in the room, minutes ticked by and I was reading when I had a phone call. Dusty, of course. It was late so I only had an hour and that was not enough time. It was not very satisfactory to either of us and I finally I said I can't, I figured he'd be peeved but he wasn't; he only apologized for trying to rush things. He then planned to come back on Sunday evening.. His attitude was very reassuring.

I wrote him on Thursday trying to explain and apologize. Classes were not much but I enjoyed writing my English theme and worked on History projects some. Linda, Mary and I went to dinner  and then Mary and I went to the library. I got seven books to start on my main research paper. on conservation with Roosevelt and Pinchot.  One day closer to Sunday as Friday, March 3 dawned bright.

No real explaining needed. I do not think.  As proof of still being caught in the enmeshed family, I always tried to send the folks some money when they pleaded and --yes, whined.  I justified to myself that I did it for 'my' horses that never actually were mine and certainly not by now. By this time I owned nothing, as if I ever had.  Might mention Twyla was the railroad girl he had met in 8th grade whose dad operated a big crane for ATSF. I also worried about the boys as I knew Charlie Mike was absolutely not happy. He was as sophomore and basically had very little social life as patterns repeated. Alex was always a bit different though he too is a Taurus and clearly very bright but not a people person even at eight years old. Possibly borderline Autism? I really had few chances to get to know him as a person or young adult for many years

Pictures? Should I or do I have too? There is not much to draw from right at that time. Maybe one or two max? Okay--North Quad, main door, would meet the Bluebird and its driver  near that curb. Then a slightly older view of one of my hair colors. Near this time--like the next week or two--in Clarkdale with Chief and Leo. for some photos the Boss wanted. The film was developed by Alex at EAJC in 1990 or so, thus poor quality.