Poetry has been my favorite literary form for only a few less years than I have lived. I wrote my first simple verse at the age of eight. The first of these verses was written when I was the lofty age of twelve and becoming a bit more sophisicated in my rhymes! The others came along later... Thanks for sharing with me here!
When the sun is dying in the west
That’s the time I love the best--
When twilight begins to fall
Lending beauty and grace to all.
GMW, C: 1955
At Sunset
Such beauty spread across the heavens vast,
Such colors exquisite and unsurpassed.
It is a precious gift that gives such rapture
But it is too delicate, alas, to capture.
Its colors rare defy the artist’s hand;
Its creation only God can understand.
The sunset’s beauty holds me quite enthralled.
It can’t be kept but it can be recalled.
So when skies are gray as in December,
I simply close my eyes and then remember . . . .
GMW, 8 Apr 1963
Pensamientos Entre Dos Luces*
The rays of twilight reflect across the vacant hills.
The silence echoes in my responsive ears.
I listen to the silence and read its messages.
The sky is adrift now with the shades of sundown.
Its glow reflects in my eager eyes.
I absorb the glow and it colors my dreams.
The air is alive now with the vibrancy of silence.
Its music responds to the harmony of evening.
My soul matches chords with the music of night.
The earth is transformed by the beauty of nightfall.
My responsive spirit absorbs its splendor.
I am reborn and I too am beautiful.
The rays of twilight reflect in my eyes.
My soul’s voice echos the melody of silence.
The shades of sundown dye my face, my hair.
GMW, 1963
*Thoughts between two lights
Sunset Cipher
Coral and rose on faded blue,
Still at last ‘neath the broad dark sky,
Fragile runes traced in the sky
Above the patient mountain ranks.
My destiny is writ on high.
If I could only learn to read
In clouds the hidden, coded word.
What secrets might be known to me
That none have ever heard?
GMW, C: 1990
When the sun is dying in the west
That’s the time I love the best--
When twilight begins to fall
Lending beauty and grace to all.
GMW, C: 1955
At Sunset
Such beauty spread across the heavens vast,
Such colors exquisite and unsurpassed.
It is a precious gift that gives such rapture
But it is too delicate, alas, to capture.
Its colors rare defy the artist’s hand;
Its creation only God can understand.
The sunset’s beauty holds me quite enthralled.
It can’t be kept but it can be recalled.
So when skies are gray as in December,
I simply close my eyes and then remember . . . .
GMW, 8 Apr 1963
Pensamientos Entre Dos Luces*
The rays of twilight reflect across the vacant hills.
The silence echoes in my responsive ears.
I listen to the silence and read its messages.
The sky is adrift now with the shades of sundown.
Its glow reflects in my eager eyes.
I absorb the glow and it colors my dreams.
The air is alive now with the vibrancy of silence.
Its music responds to the harmony of evening.
My soul matches chords with the music of night.
The earth is transformed by the beauty of nightfall.
My responsive spirit absorbs its splendor.
I am reborn and I too am beautiful.
The rays of twilight reflect in my eyes.
My soul’s voice echos the melody of silence.
The shades of sundown dye my face, my hair.
GMW, 1963
*Thoughts between two lights
Sunset Cipher
Coral and rose on faded blue,
Still at last ‘neath the broad dark sky,
Fragile runes traced in the sky
Above the patient mountain ranks.
My destiny is writ on high.
If I could only learn to read
In clouds the hidden, coded word.
What secrets might be known to me
That none have ever heard?
GMW, C: 1990
You know I have always loved your poems. (still do) These are beautiful. I especially love Sunset Cipher. Speaks to my soul.