Across the Rainbow Bridge...
At the foot of the bridge they met
For the last journey they would share
Partners even in this final travail
So right that together they came to be there.
The first steps were painful and slow
But each stride grew more sure and free
As the pains and the cares fell away
For soon such would no longer be.
The dog's drooping tail slowly rose
To the proud banner he used to fly;
The man's shoulders lifted as age peeled away
And he held his head proud and high.
Side by side they mounted the arch
Paused at the crest for one last
Lingering glance at the world left behind
But they both knew that time was now past.
Down now to the bright fields below
Where waiting to greet, row on row--
So many dear friends gone before
All well loved ones that they used to know.
Underfoot the grass sweet and green,
Overhead the sky bright and blue
The dogs can all frolic and play
While the people old friendships renew.
With a cup of coffee in hand
And dogs all sprawled at his side--
My hero and friends wait for me,
Until with them again I abide.
(c) GMW Nov 2003
Oh, man, Deirdre ... I can hardly see to type for my tears. This is just beautiful.