I did not do an all night vigil as some of my Druid and other Pagan friends did--just do not have the stamina for that these days but I was up to greet the sun and did so with a thankful and joyful heart at the promise it portends. Lugh returns! Winter will pass and hopefully the winter of spirit that darkens so many lives right now as well. The actual point of the sun's most distant place was early this morning--I read six something but forget the time zone that was for! I think a bit later here in MST zone.
The world did not end --I never thought it would!--but perhaps this can mark a new beginning for all. I too send heartfelt prayers out to the Earth and all upon it. We must never lose hope regardless of the terrible events to which we may be witness. May they be growing pains in finding ways to move into a better, brighter future. Collectively we can at least light a candle in the darkness and show light to this new day.
After I came back inside--it is chilly here today, about 30 at dawn--the following verse came to me in a flash so I will share it with all. Thanks be to Brighid for the gift of her inspiration!!
Go in peace. Brightest midwinter/Yule blessings to all!
Winter Solstice 2012
A sweet subtle brightening
Slips over the crest--
A new day begins
And once more we are blessed
As Lugh the Light Bringer
Returns to the sky.
In the chill hush of dawn
Hearts sing in reply.
A promise is kept
And we offer our praise,
Our thanks from the spirit
On this day of days.
The seasons will turn now
And spring come once more.
Thus our lyrics of joy
Resound shore to shore.
May the light of our hope
And our faith never wane
As we walk now Her path
And trust not in vain.
That in this beginning
We too may bring light
To that spiritual darkness
And the hearts deep in night.
So beautiful...Blessings of Light and Love! :)