But, those sentiments aside, I still honor and revere the courage folk who don the uniforms and go into danger when it is asked of them--from the American Revolution and even earlier to the current conflicts in various parts of the world. The best defense is still apparently a good offence at times or at least an obvious willingness to draw a line and hold it. I do not approve of this but for now there does not seem to be an alternative, so those who man that line have my heartfelt gratitude and support--regardless.
I no longer am active in the VFW Auxiliary or similar organizations but I carry those memories with pride
and am glad I did my bit when I did--handing out the little "buddy poppies" and collecting donations for aid to veterans and their families; marching in parades and taking part in ceremonies on various patriotic and military commemorations and working in my community for the good of all, as best I could. All of that is a part of my past that I feel good about. Here is a shot of me in the uniform worn by the color guard of VFW Post 10342. A National Commander visited us and told us that to the best of his knowledge ours was the only such group with both Post (actual vets) and Auxiliary (spouses, daughters etc) in a single unit with the exact same uniform. I was normally the "offiicial photographer" but I did march in some parades and carried the Auxiliary banner most of those times. My late husband was the captain and 'drill instructor' for most of that time and managed to get me to kinda march, two left feet and all!!
And last, a poem I wrote for the first Veteran's Day ceremony I took part in as an Auxiliary member.
Veteran's Day
I hear the drum
roll in my mind
and then I see,
before, behind,
the Silent
Legions marching past
to join the
Great Parade, at last....
From Flanders
Fields and Iwo 's
from nameless near and distant lands
where they have
fought and bled and died
for to uphold
the Nation's Pride
and secure the
Peace and Liberty
today enjoyed by
you and me...
Each heart with
praise should overflow
and gladly
search for ways to show
that we remember
and we care
and at least in
spirit share
their sacrifice,
their gift, their pain.
We know they did
not die in vain.
The torch still
burns: we carry on
the flame kept bright by those now gone.
They're marching still, they're fighting yet;
and so must we...lest we forget. GMW, Nov 1986
Note on Veteran’s Day: Written for a tribute for Veteran's Day and
first recited at a ceremony held by VFW Post 10342 and its Ladies Auxiliary on
11 November 1986 in Huachuca City ,
Arizona . Permission granted to use at no cost for any
patriotic purpose supportive of the sentiment in which it is written with
credit of authorship to be given.
Published in an anthology by
World of Poetry, GMW
A footnote: The final phrase is a conscious and sincere homage to Kipling's powerful poem on a parallel theme which ends, "Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, lest we forget. Lest we forget. I'd have to check but I think it referenced the Crimean War. I'll research and post that later. Kipling is a hero and inspiration of mine--loved all his work. GMW.
A footnote: The final phrase is a conscious and sincere homage to Kipling's powerful poem on a parallel theme which ends, "Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, lest we forget. Lest we forget. I'd have to check but I think it referenced the Crimean War. I'll research and post that later. Kipling is a hero and inspiration of mine--loved all his work. GMW.
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