Welcome to my World

Welcome to the domain different--to paraphrase from New Mexico's capital city of Santa Fe which bills itself "The City Different." Perhaps this space is not completely unique but my world shapes what I write as well as many other facets of my life. The four Ds figure prominently but there are many other things as well. Here you will learn what makes me tick, what thrills and inspires me, experiences that impact my life and many other antidotes, vignettes and journal notes that set the paradigm for Dierdre O'Dare and her alter ego Gwynn Morgan and the fiction and poetry they write. I sell nothing here--just share with friends and others who may wander in. There will be pictures, poems, observations, rants on occasion and sometimes even jokes. Welcome to our world!

Monday, February 8, 2021

Memoir Monday--Feb 8, 1962


Feb 8, 1962     Thursday

Hello myself. Today was a perfectly gruesome day weather-wise. Otherwise it wasn’t too bad. It rained most all last night and most of today. Up at Jerome we were buried in the clouds all day. School was o.k. In Art I splashed around with tempera paint. It’s rather fun but untidy. I got a letter from Wayne today. He wasn’t mad at what I said. He seems to be a reasonable guy. I guess I’d really like to get to know him. Of course there could be no riding tonight. We drove out to do the chores and the whole place was a mess. Ditto for here at home. When I am rich and famous I will never wade in mud and crap. I’ll have cement and flagstone everywhere. And I won’t pick up hay anywhere either. I spent the evening stringing beads—I made four necklaces and just messed around. I wrote Wayne, worked on a few of my poems etc. I sure hope the weather is better tomorrow. I hate C&W music. I can’t even bear to listen to it anymore. Give me Exodus, Wonderland by Night, Apache, Warsaw Concerto, Moon River, Meditation, a Strauss waltz or even Bach and Beethoven. Anything but “Luv her, lose her, cry sniffle heartbreak”. Gads that’s sickening. I must go. I want to go to bed and listen to the music on KSL (Salt Lake station). That is Jose’s station. I wonder if he does listen to it? Perhaps he’ll tell me. Wish he would hurry and write again. I get too impatient.

This was my last semester of High School. I had gotten my little rebellion pretty well taken care of the year before and was now dedicated to getting the best grades I could with an eye toward hoping for a scholarship and maybe graduating with honors. I was still a 'cowboy girl' in many ways and deeply involved in the livestock work but my music preferences had changed from two or three years back. I always had fairly eclectic tastes and those titles tend to reflect that. I was still not really into rock but did like the Ventures and mostly preferred a pretty melody, even schmaltzy, to much of the pop sounds and still liked a lot of classical music. That has not changed too much in all these years!

I was not dating or doing much of anything social at that time. School and ranch work; that was my life. I had quit asking to go anywhere for the most part and found that the best way to avoid either lengthy lectures or blunt refusals. Instead I was writing to pen pals. Wayne and Jose were two of my favorites at that point. Wayne was a rodeo cowboy living in Washington state and Jose lived in Provo, UT and was on the staff at BYU. He had classes in fencing and horsemanship and was always going off on expeditions. At least he wrote interesting though sometimes odd letters.  It is hard to believe now that there was no internet, no email or even cell phones for texting!! People actually wrote and mailed letters or used the old land lines. I did talk to Wayne a few times that way. 

Even then I liked to mess with making jewelry--often then remaking some odds and ends my aunts gave me. That later became a semi-paying avocation when I got involved in lapidary and took some silver smithing courses. I have always liked to make things and have sewed, drawn and painted, strung beads and of course written most of my life. Well I was nearly 19 by now and getting more to be the person I would be for the rest of my life. 

No photos this time. Nothing in the archive really illustrates this little blurb. 

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