Welcome to my World

Welcome to the domain different--to paraphrase from New Mexico's capital city of Santa Fe which bills itself "The City Different." Perhaps this space is not completely unique but my world shapes what I write as well as many other facets of my life. The four Ds figure prominently but there are many other things as well. Here you will learn what makes me tick, what thrills and inspires me, experiences that impact my life and many other antidotes, vignettes and journal notes that set the paradigm for Dierdre O'Dare and her alter ego Gwynn Morgan and the fiction and poetry they write. I sell nothing here--just share with friends and others who may wander in. There will be pictures, poems, observations, rants on occasion and sometimes even jokes. Welcome to our world!

Monday, October 25, 2021

Memoir Monday, Oct 25, 1961/57

Just for spits and giggles, here are two versions of  October 25,  five years apart.  In 1957  I was thirteen and in 1961 I was eighteen.  I am not sure if the tone and  ambiance of what I recorded had changed much or not. Was the senior more mature than the freshman?   What do you think, "gentle reader"?  ( to borrow a  silly Victorian affectation here.) Feel free to comment!

Oct 25, 1957

Got up medium early, Usual horse chores. Ate, dressed and off to school. In study hall wrote a story. Helped Bill, Dave and Andy with Algebra and worked on Indian head bands. Usual English. Recess.To the PO as usual. Had a ball in Algebra. Tyce sat on the desk behind me for a bit. I played with Dave, Bill, Andy and Howard. Home for lunch. It’s hunting season weather and I’m on the clouds but the inevitable happened. The bottom fell out. I joined Effie and others on the east steps. Tyce came out of the cafeteria and up the steps. I was blocking the door. “You’re not getting by until you ask me polite.” “I ain’t askin’ nothing polite.” He said and began to jerk at the door. I wouldn’t budge an inch. He grabbed my left shoulder and jerked me away from the door. I saw sparks and raised my hand to hit him. He dodged. I kicked. My second shot hit dead center. ((I think it was knee and not   elsewhere!)) Tyce released me and strode in. The bell rang. Typing was okay. I wrote Tyce a note saying I was sorry and put it on his desk in Espanol. He picked it up and read it slowly. Then he put it in his pocket. Usual History. Had the assembly and skit. It turned out real good. Tyce was a good but skinny Indian. Came home. Usual chores. Dentist trip. Ate, read and to bed. Adios, Peg.

Oct 25, 1961 Wed

Today was just an ordinary day more or less. The weather was really nice. I was off almost early for once. In study hall I worked on my spelling words. The test was pretty rough but I got a 1 on my report card. Doubek gave me no reasonable explanation. I will just quit at the end of the semester. I am plumb riled. In Civics I got a 1. Ditto in Art and Journalism. I’m real proud. ‘Reen and I were bored at noon. We both agree that lunch hour is too long. We should only have thirty minutes and get out earlier. I can’t see why Doubek had to be so hard, All my other teachers appreciate my abilities. Well to heck with the puke faced slob! I came home—no mail—rode Queen out and did the usual evening chores. Little Jay-Jay is so lovable. She ‘kissed’ me bye. I hope ‘Reen rides over tomorrow. I also hope we go shopping or something. I want to go somewhere—(anywhere but deer hunting!)  Maybe my friend Dr Joe will come over again Sunday. I hope so. This evening I rearranged my room.  Now if/when I get a radio I can play it It can go right by my bed. So far I have a 1.7 average for the three years of high school. I’m quite proud of my four ones. I think that is pretty good.

I  think my freshman classmates are now mostly known to my regular readers but just in case--of course Tyce  (Miller) was my --hmm-- Crush? Boyfriend? Heartthrob? Even frenemy at times. The others were Bill Christenson, Andy Peterson,  Dave (Brilhart or Norton--not sure which  but likely Brilhart) and Howard Schwab. I know Bill and Howard have passed away and Dave too if it was Brilhart and Andy is not well. That's the sad part of getting older. 

By my senior year I had moved far past boys; if I was interested in anyone, he would have been over 21 and only written about on occasions. I did not date and was probably rather unsocial if not unsociable. Dr Joe Hudson was certainly not a  'love interest.' He was a senor surgeon at the Veteran's Hospital over at Fort Whipple  near Prescott  where he had provided care for my Dad's various ailments. He  came over and went riding with us off and on.  He was quite a dashing character, single at the time though in his 50s--too old even for me!--and dove a pink Cadillac  convertible, a year or two old. He was kind of an honorary uncle; I suppose  that is about the best analogy to his place in  my world. Doubek was the music teacher and he really did not like me, for what reason I do not have a clue! I didn't quit and he finally relented the last grading period of the year after I had been named Valedictorian and gave me a "1."  And I seem to recall there was a holiday or two for the opening of deer season.

 Photos of Jay-jay (a baby burro) and Queen, a sorrel mare, just for 'tax' as  they say on Facebook.Text with no pix is b-o-r-i-n-g?!   This mare in the foreground is either  Queenie or Peppy--they looked a lot alike.  And Jennyfur, the mommy,  with Jenny Junior or Jay-jay. Baby burros are so darn cute!

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