Again the weather was a bit nicer than what I have seen locally in recent days. But even then there were windy, cold, gray and wet days that had to be survived as best I could. What does not kill you makes you stronger perhaps? Maybe that is why and how I still keep on keeping on.
Feb 27, 1965 Sat
I got up and fed etc. We had to change a tire before we drove out but were fairly early anyway. No problems . Saddled Annie and rode up for mail. There was a passel--an envelope from Judy, a letter from Flagstaff--Dusty of course. My hands shook as I opened it. “Dear Angel… “ Oh it was a relief, and so wonderful. Four pages from the one I love and every word worth so much, even the misspelled ones. He bawled me out a little but sweetly. (I probably had whined a little too much on some bad days) I led Leo first. He felt pretty high. Chief next, and then Lyno to the pasture. Put Annie up and quit at 1:30. After lunch everyone rested and I wrote to my beloved. After last night’s thoughts I couldn’t desert him for anything. He has been having trouble. The folks did the chores tonight. I made cookies and would have done more but Mom refused to tell me what to do. She won’t let me help. I played records, wrote Mary and loafed this evening. I have paid $20 for $60 worth of records so far. I may try to sell two to pay for the Moffo and Franchi one (Dream Duet). Dusty’s letter made today for me, really. He is still in Flag now and may be for several more weeks apparently. Somehow I’ve got to convince him how I feel. Maybe he knows. He says the only thing that has kept him in line the past two months is me, whatever that means. I need to talk to him again but I guess I can’t. I couldn’t even if he was here, really. Well, someday… Anyway he wrote me and he is all right. Maybe I can get an answer or two from him now. I will try.
Changing tires as I may have mentioned a week or two back was a regular chore. We were driving poor tires on the pickup and flats were common. Dad usually jacked up the vehicle and switched the wheels but Charlie Mike and I manned the pump to be sure the replacement was up to correct inflation. If you ever had to use one of those old manual pumps, you know what a taxing job that can be. Bless the inventor of the air compressor!!
Getting the mail was a job I took care of often and it was not one I minded. Many days nothing came for me but letters were always a treat and fun. Those many years of pen pals kind of assured I would get something many days.The Mary mentioned was one. I had several friends named Mary over the years but it is a common name. And at this point, waiting for one from Dusty--and being rewarded-- was a real bright spot. It was only two weeks from the Valentine and his promise to write soon but it had felt very long. I really had no one else to confide in or even complain to, and I suspect I abused that at times. He was always patient with me there.
It was a novelty for the folks to do the chores and I am not sure why that happened this day. Not to have to go out to the pasture either riding or driving and apparently not even do the home part was a mini-vacation. So I cooked. I would have made supper but mostly Mom did not ask or even let me help in the kitchen very much. I rarely fussed or complained when it was necessay. By this point I could make several main dishes and considered myself a master cookie chef!
The record I mentioned was one I had recently received. It featured two fairly well known opera and classical-pop singers of the time doing duets of operetta and musical comedy love songs. The whole family except perhaps Charlie Mike, who was getting more into rock by then, liked it. I played that Bogo variant game with RCA record club for all it was worth!
I still had my spells of doubt or fear that Dusty really did not care or want to stay in touch, much less see me again. I was also curious, seeking to know *everything* about him. I asked questions and sometimes he answered them, usually in a few very simple words. Really he gave me almost no reason to fear or wonder or doubt. That was just me, where and how I was at this troublesome time in my life.
Pictures: What fits and has not been used several times? I'll go peek into that flashdrive. Okay, looking to the southwest from my backyard. Probably early spring with snow on Mingus. The old middle school or junior high building was still standing then. Then Clarkdale, getting very desolate with many vacant houses in the lower town and such a sad, depressed look by 1965. And a more recent view--this was the Post Office in those days and I would tie my mount at a light pole about where that tree is and go in the door to the left of that walkway. One box we had was 964. I forget a few others. I know the current PO is over where the shop classes for Clarkdale/Mingus High were then or was last time I looked.