Since this happened after the 29th and before the first June entry, I will stick it in for what it's worth This was the single true bright spot in a long hard month, a huge surprise with an incredible impact on my life.
Memoir Bridge: May 31, 1965
What a day! I’m going to wake up! I got up at 6:15 and started on a busy day. Fed etc and then came up. First I finished scrubbing out the new pan and then I sorted clothes to wash. Charlie Mike and I rode out together with Annie and the fillies. We left at 8:30 and got back at 10:15. I led Lyno out and Charlie Mike led her back. We plan to take some good long rides during the summer. I’m real proud and happy how he is getting interested in riding etc. at last. Watered the stock, then put Annie up and next got busy on the washing. It only took about two hours which I think was really good. I rode Annie out to change the pens at the pasture. Came in about 2:00 because Charlie Mike fed for me here. All afternoon we talked about ranches. They are now worried about me getting married and pulling out. They needn’t for awhile but I can’t explain that now! So suddenly it was 5:00 and we went to water. Someone was watching us but I did not know it or notice. We drove out to do the pasture chores. Fed the new mules, caught and handled Rico etc. Finally came home and did the home chores. I came in and put on my muu-muu dress. I was sitting at my table. when suddenly Charlie Mike came in and scribbled on a piece of paper. “C D Watt just drove down the street.” I nearly freaked out. “Go find him and tell him to come back later.” In a few minutes I saw Moonspinner drive up Standard Oil Hill and knew it was real. I could hardly eat supper. Then we went out to watch the lightning and settle our meal. Dusty was waiting down by the loading ramp. We got in Moonspinner and drove over above the lake and parked for a few minutes. I put my hand on the back of the seat and after a moment he reached over and held my thumb. They will be at Adamana for six weeks more and then back here! We came back still talking and drove around a little more. Then stopped down by Christensen’s. Charlie Mike got out and we talked a bit more. We were shy as always. Finally just before I got out I turned to him and he gathered me in his arms. I kissed his cheek or jaw, feeling the rough stubble of a day's beard. He buried his face in my hair and then his lips found mine. They were cool and smooth. It might have been a second or an hour until he lifted his head and released me. He held my hands for a moment, saying “Cold hands lead to a warm heart.:” His voice was not quite steady as he told me goodbye. I turned away and got out, turning back to say I had named a colt for him. And then it was goodbye and I fled. I stumbled blindly home behind Charlie Mike who had waited for me. I settled down enough to play a record and write Tee but I know I’ll wake up. I said that several times. Once he pinched my nose “to wake me up.” So now I’ve been kissed and I can’t really remember it very well yet. Oh, Dusty! I think I composed myself fairly well. It wasn’t like kisses in books or anything but it was special. Maybe it doesn’t mean much but I’ve been kissed and I’m happy and know waiting for it was right.
A few days later I realized it had happened three years almost to the hour from my high school graduation. That strange coincidence is still rather startling. Yes, this was a graduation of sorts, too. From today's perspective and even for those times, it was decidedly odd that a girl got her first real kiss at the age of 22, a girl who did not grow up in a convent or some odd cult. Well, in a way there was a very odd cult! And that of course was the major reason for the peculiar delay. My life style steered me away from many opportunities to reach this point in my teens.
I am very sure neither of us planned or expected this event. I had not seen Dusty since January--nor had he seen me. And when we might be together again was still unknown. Overwhelmed by the pain of this parting, I turned to him with no plan or expectation in mind other than that he might push me away. We had been very circumspect and careful as our relationship developed. It was probably inevitable and I know neither of us really regretted it as following letters made clear. For once actions said what spoken words still did not express.
Pictures! Moonspinner where it was often parked later that summer. The muu-muu dress, new at that time. The original sleeves were the same fabric as the rest and not gathered into a band to a puff. And the B&B 6 outfit on the siding where they were always parked. Dusty's foreman car was the one just to the left of the shiny metal one which became the cook car for the outfit. Along with their other work, the crew completely rebuilt the interior and did a great job on the one time passenger coach car during the months they were at Clarkdale. (that started later in the summer.) .