Welcome to my World

Welcome to the domain different--to paraphrase from New Mexico's capital city of Santa Fe which bills itself "The City Different." Perhaps this space is not completely unique but my world shapes what I write as well as many other facets of my life. The four Ds figure prominently but there are many other things as well. Here you will learn what makes me tick, what thrills and inspires me, experiences that impact my life and many other antidotes, vignettes and journal notes that set the paradigm for Dierdre O'Dare and her alter ego Gwynn Morgan and the fiction and poetry they write. I sell nothing here--just share with friends and others who may wander in. There will be pictures, poems, observations, rants on occasion and sometimes even jokes. Welcome to our world!

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Monday Memoir, May 15, 1965

May 1965--we were approaching Charlie Mike's 8th grade graduation and he had some trips and events for the final few weeks. Alex was about to turn 6 and I was "keeping on keeping on" as I had been for over two years, close to three.  The more things changed...  And yet most of the changes were superficial. The bout of sickness among the animals was passing. I think Tina and Rico were down at the Vet Clinic or possibly just home, she supposedly all well. 

May 15, 1965  Sat

 Got up pretty early so Charlie Mike could get ready on time. Did the chores and we drove out. The Mayottes came over and were deeply grieved over “Freckles” poor condition. Gee, people sure gripe me. And people here are no exception. When we got home I saddled Annie and got to work. Made a day of it, too. No mail for me so I put Dusty’s letter in the mail. I guess he’ll write when he gets good and ready. Led Lyno, ‘Bat, and Wowie and rode Buzz  out to do the midday exchange. Finally got in about 2:30 and was so tired I lay down and slept til 4:30 or so. Then I watered everyone and we drove out with me leading Chief since Charlie Mike still had not come home. Bred Susie and did the chores. We got the home chores done just before dark.  Charlie Mike got nothing. I’ll have to get used to him having the spotlight until school’s out I guess. Wish I could announce my engagement (tee hee).  I changed my bed, cleaned my room and took a bath this evening. It feels pretty good to be clean. Tomorrow I’ll wash my hair. From now on I’ll try to keep looking decent just in case.  Dusty has been ‘with’ me all day; wonder what he’s been doing? He’s okay I think ‘cause I’d know if he wasn’t somehow.  It’s nearly unbelievable how I miss him.  I still can’t get used to being in love.

I do not recall now what it was Charlie Mike went to--an arithmetic or spelling bee type contest for the county at Prescott if memory serves. It was a bit of a novelty for him to get such notice; I was not really jealous but missed his help when he was gone and was slightly inconvenienced a few times. He had mostly not been a top or favored student as his rebellion kicked in much earlier than mine did; he chafed at authority and often felt dissed or mistreated by teachers and staff at school.  I expect in some cases that feeling was justified. He was often chastised that he should be more like his big sister! Well, he was himself, not a recopy. A Scorpio instead of a Taurus, a boy and not a girl, and not the eldest. He often felt he was the shit-bird middle; he wasn't and didn't want to be but then finally said he had the name so may as well play the game. Dad was rarely even nice to him which I did and still do not understand. Charlie Mike still has lingering bitterness, anger and pain which has haunted him life-long. We both have issues, just different ones, yet have never allowed them to damage our trust and bond.

"'Bat" and "Wowie" were the last year's colts now weaned and getting initial training and exercise since they lived in pens. Off and on I would have animals separated at the pasture in the two big pens of the main corral and would require an added mid-day trek to let those in the upper pen get to the ditch for water or some in to pick up feed left or wasted by others.  I usually tried to combine that with other rides such as exercising or a mail run to Cottonwood. Freckles was boarded while she was bred to Chief. 

That 'engagement' remark was very tongue-in-cheek. I was not yet even near that point with Dusty and there was certainly no one else in the wings. However I can imagine the consternation and near-catastrophe such an announcement would have created. OMG--talk about all hell busting loose!  

There was never a day when I did not at least think of Dusty a time or two--often much more than that. I had no idea when I would actually see him again since he was working almost to the New Mexico line and could not get down to the Verde Valley often. I knew he had not been well most of the spring and I did worry but felt I would sense it if anything really drastic happened. True or not, I trusted that.

Photos, not too many here.  First is Charlie dressed for the 8th grade grad (better photos later) . Second is Powwow (Wowie) at about that time--a short yearling as she was a late summer foal. Last is Charlie Mike with "Dingbat" as we called  him. I think his registered name was "Peppy Ding-Bob"-- (Appy/AQHA)  but we always called him Dingbat. He wasn't really but a sensible calm colt. Such a contrast between Charlie's work clothes and dressed up... He really was kind of the Cinder-fella in the family. By then I tried much harder to be as neat and un-ragged as I could. He usually went to school in somewhat better pants and shoes anyway. Grandma sent things for him as she had done for me.

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