Welcome to my World

Welcome to the domain different--to paraphrase from New Mexico's capital city of Santa Fe which bills itself "The City Different." Perhaps this space is not completely unique but my world shapes what I write as well as many other facets of my life. The four Ds figure prominently but there are many other things as well. Here you will learn what makes me tick, what thrills and inspires me, experiences that impact my life and many other antidotes, vignettes and journal notes that set the paradigm for Dierdre O'Dare and her alter ego Gwynn Morgan and the fiction and poetry they write. I sell nothing here--just share with friends and others who may wander in. There will be pictures, poems, observations, rants on occasion and sometimes even jokes. Welcome to our world!

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Monday Memoir Jan 22, 1966

Back in Arizona for close to two weeks. It had not gotten too real and earnest yet but a few hints began to appear. I tried to ignore or just let them roll off. For awhile that worked pretty well.  

Jan 22, 1966

Got up reluctantly because it was chilly and ate. I “got” to stay home this morning so I went to work on Dusty’s shirt while the dish water was heating. It is really going to be awfully neat if I can just keep from making any dumb boo-boos on it. My original design is pretty sharp. When the folks got back from the pasture, the Boss and I went over to look at Kitty’s black Val. He is a bit feisty. We stopped to talk to her and her husband. His name is Ray Meecham and he seems like a nice guy. We looked at Elaine’s appy on our way home. Guess they are both worth trying to get. We had lunch. Charlie Mike had done the noon chores. I wasted the afternoon. Charlie Mike and I hiked over and visited the outfit. The new “bunk car” is really going to need some refurbishing.  They fixed the cook car up real nice though. Dusty has some boys that are clever carpenters. Of course he is one himself. We got the evening chores done up OK. I worked a bit more on the shirt too. Didn’t do much through the evening. I don’t feel too good. My upper right twelve year molar is being pushed out by the wisdom tooth. It’s really painful. I’m afraid it will have to come out. Damn, that’s lousy. Manana we’ve got a lot of fetching and carrying to do so since it is 10:30 I’d best trot off to bed PDQ. That’s really my favorite place anymore for there I can dream in peace knowing I am not in danger from being inattentive or wasting time. I’ve to get hold of myself and hit it harder, I reckon. The idea sticks a little but it really is the only answer. I  just have three ‘private’ projects. Finish Dusty’s shirt, finish my story up to date and get a few letters answered. I have to do them in snatches. Another hour would finish the shirt, probably. The others aren’t urgent.

The old pre-break routine of trying to work deals and 'sell' was back in play but for the moment Dad was doing a bit more and not insisting that Mom and I or even Charlie Mike pick up all the slack.  That didn't last as other issues moved to the fore for his attention as we were not bringing in much cash and still spending for feed and all so an effort was essential. (Lawsuit shit mostly)  Kitty and Ray Meecham were a local young couple kind of into horses and stuff. We had tried to trade or exchange first Patrick, Ginger and then one of the other trained horses for their colts that were a bit feisty. Same for Elaine Stoos, who was kind of friends with Maureen. 

I did not feel I had done so badly in the past six months but was now trying to really maintain my end and not leave any openings for tirades and harangues.  Good luck there LOL but I worked at keeping my head out of any daydream clouds and being low key on my personal projects to stay 'under the radar' as much as possible. Sewing was usually okay since I did a lot of patching and repairs and my making western shirts was never a big issue.  I had given some to friends and pen pals and made some for Dad and Charlie Mike too.  My project for Dusty was thus not anything to draw attention. 

What was projected for Sunday I do  not recall without going back and reading. Probably getting some hay--we got big loads when possible like from Phoenix but then filled in with pickup loads wherever we could snag a few bales here and there.I know that is not the best way to feed horses, especially hot blooded high stung ones. Colic and problems happen when you do not gradually blend over from one sort of feed to another which was often not possible. Even then I knew that but what could I do to fix it? Damn little. 

Pictures? Gee, I really do not have anything applicable but I'll grab something. Okay I will be mentioning driving to the pasture frequently. This view from the hills west of the highway shows part of the route. It went past the SW end of Peck's Lake and up a hill and then curved to go south to Tuzigoot, around the monument to the north east end and down the back to a gate and then around part of the Tavasci area and turned east and back south thru a cattle guard to the pasture area. That part is kinda visible in the newer color shot taken from Tuzigoot. The last is the corrals at Clarkdale. I think it did snow a time or two after I got back that spring. And that would always be a mess and hassle!

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