Welcome to my World

Welcome to the domain different--to paraphrase from New Mexico's capital city of Santa Fe which bills itself "The City Different." Perhaps this space is not completely unique but my world shapes what I write as well as many other facets of my life. The four Ds figure prominently but there are many other things as well. Here you will learn what makes me tick, what thrills and inspires me, experiences that impact my life and many other antidotes, vignettes and journal notes that set the paradigm for Dierdre O'Dare and her alter ego Gwynn Morgan and the fiction and poetry they write. I sell nothing here--just share with friends and others who may wander in. There will be pictures, poems, observations, rants on occasion and sometimes even jokes. Welcome to our world!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Philosophical Phriday--June 14, 2024

Prologue: This came to me yesterday. I draft-wrote it then and have since edited slightly. It fits closely with some of the life experiences I have been sharing since the basic building blocks of this spiritual belief pattern were formed during that time. Now I look back over eight decades and still seek more and better understanding. A mass of impressions, preliminary beliefs and understandings have been boiled down to this essence. Many people will be perplexed, some will be offended and some like my parents often felt, may consider it blasphemy and perverse in the extreme. I neither boast nor apologize. For me, it is what it is.  The Truth as I perceive it. 

Philosophical Phriday, June 14, 2024

             I might begin with a rhetorical question: “Am I a “sinner?”  To which I answer unequivocally that I am not. I absolutely do not believe in a harsh, demanding and condemning father figure, much less the concepts of Hell, Heaven or “breaking God’s law.” I honor--and that is not adore, worship, revere or fear--a Divine Entity that is completely feminine. She does not threaten, coerce or condemn anyone. She is the epitome of “Mother” and the sum of her energy and power is Love and “Nature.” Hate and dominance are alien and anathema to Her.  So, no, I am not a “sinner.”

Relationships as “romance” has been a constant driving force in my life, heart over head always. I never had a beloved one who was wholly mine. But did I take anything that truly belonged to anyone else?  I do not think so. If anything I received had been another’s to begin with, I would never have been able to obtain it. Our society is built around “marriages of convenience”, driven by artificial rules and sanctions when the initial flash of lust and “in love” fades if it ever existed.  And in converse, did I take anything away from anyone who had any right to that which I gave? Again, I say no. Even with my husband, he was never wholly mine, for thirty two years of marriage, nor was I his. I think he made an idolized ideal of me, an avatar of something existing only in his mind or spirit. It was imperfect at best. Thus no, again I took nothing from anyone. And again no, I am not a “sinner”.  That concept is not truly applicable.

To “Christians” drivers of the main pattern of our modern society this equation controls family life  “Love” = “intimacy” = “sex”. Marriage is the only acceptable method for these to exist. To me, that last physical act is really the least significant aspect of the connections I live for. More important to me are resonance of energies, the sense of being merged, cherished and valued with and by another spirit, and a level of kinship that transcends all others existing in today’s society. Sex is just part of the clutter that comes along with our present human existence in today’s society, which is mostly structured in a patriarchic model. In matrilineal and matriarchic societies, which a few Native or Indigenous peoples still follow, the notion of fatherhood and primogeniture are insignificant. There is no question from which woman’s body a child emerged.  A stepmother is thus impossible because it is the mother’s closest or favored brother who fills the role of male model and guide for a child.  Thus anything belonging to that man including role, property, duty and authority is normally inherited by a nephew or in some cases, a niece. That is such a key idea and wipes out so much of our restrictive tradition.  

Is all of this important or significant? I cannot fairly say since I do not know, yet in the sphere of my most profound and deeply held beliefs, it is. The LDS doctrine might argue but an evangelical Christian friend once said to me, “There are no husbands and wives in heaven.” Perhaps he was just trying to exonerate the strong but basically platonic relationship we had, both being legally wed to others at that time.  Still I found that very profound. I visualize beyond the Rainbow Bridge, call it Heaven, Valhalla, Tir-Nan-Og , Fiddler’s Green, The Happy Hunting Ground or even Nirvana, it is a most powerful truth. In that realm there are only spirits, “energy entities”, to which resonance of those energies is the only reality. Thus some will resonate and others will not because energy has infinite frequencies of which light, heat and sound are among the very few we actually perceive, know or recognize here. They are among the lowest and most primitive. Perhaps Pure Divine Love is the highest and most perfect. In infinite time, maybe all of us will be there. I hope my awareness of this is an early step in my progress to that point.  That is why I share it.

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