Welcome to my World

Welcome to the domain different--to paraphrase from New Mexico's capital city of Santa Fe which bills itself "The City Different." Perhaps this space is not completely unique but my world shapes what I write as well as many other facets of my life. The four Ds figure prominently but there are many other things as well. Here you will learn what makes me tick, what thrills and inspires me, experiences that impact my life and many other antidotes, vignettes and journal notes that set the paradigm for Dierdre O'Dare and her alter ego Gwynn Morgan and the fiction and poetry they write. I sell nothing here--just share with friends and others who may wander in. There will be pictures, poems, observations, rants on occasion and sometimes even jokes. Welcome to our world!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Memoir Monday, Oct 14, 1966

 October 14, 1966 Friday

First the journal entry for the date. 

Oct 14, 1966

Another day. I even made a "1" on my accounting test--what a miracle! Just one point above the bottom limit but so what?  At noon I got a card from Charlie Mike that the Boss would be up to get me. I fretted through the day, paid my meal ticket, fought the wind and was at the courthouse at 3:00. We went right down home. Charlie Mike and I went to the Mingus homecoming game and saw Mingus beat 32-19. That was terrible! I saw Jim but didn't talk to him. Did talk briefly to the Crawfords. It was sure cold. I about froze even with my new coat. This is some weather. 

Now for the fill in, nothing too critical. As for the 8th, Dusty didn't show up and I did stew. Well he had said maybe, not promised! I went to the game with some of the other girls in the dorm and it was a good one,  The Lumberjacks won 32-16, over the aptly named Missouri Mules--they were big and used rough tactics. It was a "band day" and I noted Mingus was there, band, twirlers and pompom girls.  "Now that I have my check",  I complained. "there is nothing else to look forward to." (There was really but I was feeling down.)  The next day I took a very ambitious hike, out to East Flag to "outfit alley"and the main ATSF rail yard there. I got some blisters and very tired! 

Monday there was a History test--and I was not sure how well I did on it.  I was scared stiff of the the first major test in General Science class--I felt it was mostly way over my head! Despite my good high school record, I was not very confident at this point. Tuesday I got a theme for English back with a "2" and Mr Goar (the prof) read one from another class that had me cringe with shame as it was so much better. I wrote "I often feel so inferior here and it is not very pleasant!" I also said I was not very good at studying. That was ironic to a degree but true. Most things I either get at once with no problem or tended just to blow them off.  That plagued me the whole time of my schooling  and I gradually drifted more toward things I could do well. I am still 'lazy' that way, I admit.

Rodeo Club Wednesday night with Joann Kendall who was becoming a friend. I had so little in common with many of the girls.  My spirits were lifted the next day in History Class when Dr McFarlane read my essay aloud (he usually gave essay type tests) and said it was a fine example! I got 97/106 for a sound "1". Thursday afternoon I talked briefly to Mr Swenson after I found I got 88/100 on the Science test. I admitted I was beginning to see a bit of light there and that I was starting to find Science topics such as atomic theory very interesting.  I was not flattering him or angling for anything although he was rather cute! But not my type. Then all it once it was Friday again. 

Minor explains. Mr Crawford had been my teacher in history and government at Mingus and we always got along well. His wife also taught but I think in middle school. They had two sons, one older and one in my old class who I saw at times at NAU. They were nice and seemed glad I was finally in college. Since there were now only the home chores, we'd had plenty of time to go to the game as we had started doing the previous year. Charlie Mike was now a sophomore and had a few friends, mostly the "fringe element" kids, as he was. That was partly due to the family 'reputation' and partly his own rebellious nature. At least he had a lot more freedom than I'd ever had, being a boy and 'safe' of course since boys don't get pregnant and loss of virginity is not significant! I was finally exempt from the 'rules' and most control, thank heaven! At times I was almost amazed!

Photos:  First is that East Flag rail yard area. It may have been snapped the very day I describe. Next is Mt Eldon, a less imposing peak but adjacent to the San Francisco Peaks and from the same volcanic action. This was taken from about the same area to the east as the railroad yard photo.  Last is the old student union building just north of the North quad. The cafeteria was on the left side and it also held a lobby/lounge area and a large auditorium where many events took place.  I am not sure what its purpose is on the campus now, like 200X and on! It is still in use though as I saw a photo where it looks much the same, at this fall's homecoming gathering of alumni. Old Kodak snapshot photos do not hold up real well after all this time  so often dark or dim but I am glad to have them. 

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