An eventful week in some ways...
Dec 9, 1966
Friday, and the inevitable let-down. Of course I was tired. Just two classes. Got quite a lot of mail. Found Ray (the Forestry guy I had noticed) watching me at dinner. I asked myself what kind of pussycat I was that I can even notice when 24 hours ago I was …yes, I was…tangled limbs and tight-shut eyes, mouth to mouth and all the rest with Dusty. Carol and I went to Yaya’s. After my Christmas shopping, all I could afford was coffee. We were early to bed after playing records and talking.
Some notes from memory... Yes, Dusty had made it back to Flagstaff...I'll cover that in a bit. As for Yaya's, it was a coffee shop/cafe over on the highway north of the campus. It was a favorite hangout along with a few other spots where the highway paralleled the campus. The Lumberjack was one and there was a Mexican restaurant too. The name eludes me. There were some motels along both sides of that main road also. At this time I was not patronizing them! ;-)
Backtracking to the prior weekend, December 3 and 4. The weather was damp and chilly and kept me inside a lot. I spent several hours in the library, wrote on Cindy (my old YA girl and horse story--I kept going back to it for many years!) and read Battle Cry by Leon Uris. I had seen the movie in my prior lifetime going with Ron Davis and a bunch of other kids. Probably the one when I was late coming home and unfairly (I had called and let them know!) got badly chewed out? I got hungry as all get-out. this weekend. Two cans of soup, and a little bit of other junk did not go very far. Bad choice to be thrifty and no weekend meal tickets. Sunday I took two walks and and got a few RR car numbers and fretted. Where is Dusty and for that matter where is Jim M?
Dec 5 and 6 were still wet and windy. I did manage the pre-registration and then had nothing left to do to go on with my scholarship and classes. Mr Jones, the Philosophy Prof, had suggested we meet and discuss the class but he never seemed to be in his office. I was having trouble in that class and am not sure why, really. I completed and passed it, probably a charity grade! Watched an old repeat of The Rifleman in the TV room off the Morton lobby and felt a bit sorry for myself when I was not busy.
Then Wednesday and Thursday the sun came out and life looked better. I got the bottom 1 on the latest accounting test, the third highest grade but there were so many 4s and 5s Mr Gardner decided to give it again. After History and Science in the afternoon there was a pre-law meeting which I found interesting, and then dinner and the rodeo club. I rode back to the dorm with JoAnn K and Carol told me I'd had a long distance call and they would call again about 9:00. The third ring it was for me, and it was Dusty! He was in Williams in a bar with some of his crew and would be in Flagstaff about 7:30 PM the next day! He mentioned he was going to Mexico on his vacation taking Johnny fishing and I was like whoa! That was what I had told the Aunts the year before when I got to Sacramento. Such an odd non-coincidence! Clairvoyant or what?
Then Thursday came. Still nice weather. I did get a card from Jim M with future plans and $5.00 from Grandma Witt. It won't go far but provided a little holiday shopping. Ate dinner late and then fussed around the room til about 7:00 when I just had to get out. I walked around in the dark. It was sharply cold. Finally the Little Bluebird (as I had named Dusty's blue VW) pulled up--maybe close now to 8:00. He had gotten away late and driven 72 miles from Drake in about 50 minutes. Thank gosh it was not icy. We went out by the same corral and snuggled in the back seat, which is not very roomy but at least not buckets and no gear shift bump in the middle. After we gradually shed clothes, it was so cold he put a blanket around me and later back in the front he turned the heater on. We had a needed and intense reunion and got back just in time for me to slip into the dorm at 11:00. Then it was Friday. I was staying a second weekend in Flagstaff, but not feeling too lonely this time.
Photos. First the little Blue VW that I saw the first time in June at the pasture before many hardships occurred. I finally named it and then enjoyed togetherness in it, first mid October and again in early December. This is not it but a good stand-in. The next--not a Volkswagen for sure, though more like Moonspinner--but the image still brings some memories! Last, the forestry guy since I mention him now and then--he really seemed too young for me and had not yet decided who or what he would eventually be; this was in a cowboy phase. He was cute but too much like my high school crush, Tyce Miller. At this point I was NOT craving a romance fix! Looking was free though, like when you see a good looking horse or a beautiful dog! A "cute" guy can be appreciated too.
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