The days and weeks kept spinning by. Now it was suddenly time to head back to the valley for the break between semesters. Had I actually done 1/8 of my college time already? (At that time I had no idea of going on for an MA but that finally only took a wee bit longer.) So ready, set...
Jan 20, 1967
Carol and I slept in until 7:30. I saw Mary (Locklear (nee Davenport--next roommate) in the cafeteria and she said she would be over. So we dispossessed Sue and Stella from #109. I helped Stella move all her junk and she got over being peeved some. Then after that I cleaned both rooms--my old one and the new one (which was left in a disgusting mess!) and then moved all my stuff up, hung new curtains and such. Then I went to lunch and helped Mary move her stuff over from Stroud. We both had a 3:00 test--mine in History and it wasn't hard. Finally I went over to the library to see the Boss, got Presser on Torts for him, went back up to eat dinner, bid Carol adieu and was homeward--or Clarkdale--bound. This time it was for the semester break. I'd be returning on the 26th with classes to resume soon afterwards.
Presser on Torts was a legal treatise which as a pre-law student I had every right or reason to check out. I did let dad use it for a couple of weeks to 'research' some of his mad projects. I wws thinking of the old saying that a doctor who diagnoses and treats himself has a fool for both a physician and a patient. Much the same for wanna-be- self-lawyers. And of course it never worked too well. Sigh.
Stella and Sue were not my friends but had the room just off the lobby down the west hall. They had been tapped for the Tri Delta sorority and were moving so I ended up grabbing that room to share with my next roommate. They left the place disgusting, like dirty underwear in the closet so Mary and I later called them 'the pigpen sisters' and I said if that is what the Tri Delts want, they are welcome to them! Stroud Hall was a converted motel out on the highway that had been rented by the University for a women's dorm while some more were under construction. NAU was starting to grow about that time!
So now back to pick up on the 14th, a weekend spent on campus. Saturday the 14th I walked and walked and wore myself out. It was just a restless day. In the evening Carol went out so I had the room to myself. I played records and read all of Dusty's letters. which of course I had saved. I had not read them for a long time nor gotten any lately--at that time he just called or we met up. (They were a treasure then and I still have every last one--after 58 years!) The next day was much the same but not alone in the evening.
Then came Monday the 16th, the last day of regular classes before finals. My legs ached from the weekend of walking--probably went at least 20 miles! I chided myself that evening for not studying but I said I was not worried about English and would look at Accounting shortly. I did some. By Wednesday Jan 18, finals were three down and two more to go. I rather felt I had shot it all to hell the previous day, (I think Accounting and Philosophy) but maybe had not done that bad, thinking back over it. Thursday I had to get up at 7:00 but did not really mind. Actually I prefer to get up early. The sunrise was glorious, I noted. The science test was long but not too terrible. I thought I made about 90% on the matching and 80% on the essay--maybe enough for a 1. Mr Jones of Philosophy said 'hi' to me in the cafeteria at lunch. Surprise? I wasn't sure he even knew I was a student! A 2 there would be very helpful and I will hope since I'd finally got into that subject a bit better. History was the last one, on Friday.
I am dying to know my average but will have to wait at least a week. That afternoon I really wanted to be out--anywhere, just out. I needed to start to unwind. Thinking thow 1/8 of my college career was already done--maybe more than that if all did not go well--and then made myself try to think positive. No, I will see it through to the end. I shall!! I laughed at myself, as I wore items from my "three hot love scenes" for luck and hoped that helped on my final tests. Then it was Friday again and a stop-and-start point of sorts. With the winter break still fresh in mind, I was not sure what I might expect or experience before returning on the 26th for registration and other admin stuff.
Photos? Another grab bag, really. First is the view from my new room with Mary, looking across at the wing where my first Campbell Hall room was to be!(last week picture) Next is a little stuffed donkey I bought about this time; frivolous but it was so cute. (Still have but very dilapidated now). This last photo was a few weeks later but is the only one I have of Mary Davenport (then using Lockyear prior to divorce finalized) during this era though got several others later. We were a good match and stayed friends for a long time. I have finally lost track of her and she may even no longer be on earth which is sad. Cannot find her in searching anyway.
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