Welcome to my World

Welcome to the domain different--to paraphrase from New Mexico's capital city of Santa Fe which bills itself "The City Different." Perhaps this space is not completely unique but my world shapes what I write as well as many other facets of my life. The four Ds figure prominently but there are many other things as well. Here you will learn what makes me tick, what thrills and inspires me, experiences that impact my life and many other antidotes, vignettes and journal notes that set the paradigm for Dierdre O'Dare and her alter ego Gwynn Morgan and the fiction and poetry they write. I sell nothing here--just share with friends and others who may wander in. There will be pictures, poems, observations, rants on occasion and sometimes even jokes. Welcome to our world!

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Monday Memoir, April 24, 1965

 April was winding down in 1965 as it does every year! I was approaching a birthday and planned to celebrate on Sunday the 25th since the actual day would be midweek and those days were mostly pretty set in cement as to what had to be done.

April 24, 1965  Sat

 Got up early and went to work. We set a bit more leisurely pace  since we were driving out. No colts yet. I saddled Prez and rode up to the Post Office. Guess what, I got a letter. It shook me awfully bad at first but then I kept reading it ‘til I got calmed down. Dusty has been sick. I don’t think he wants to get rid of me. I led everyone except Buzzie. Charlie Mike helped me some having done the corrals early. Did midday chores and came in. I fixed Tee’s pattern and wrote Dusty during the afternoon. Charlie Mike mailed my letter before we rode out. Lila and Tina must be very close from appearances. I hope they do the job soon. We did all our chores up and came wearily in. I was glad to quit. Emotions can wear you out too. I played records this evening for the first time in awhile. Hope Mar comes up tomorrow because I’ll end up working if she doesn’t and I don’t want to.  Guess I’d better skip off directly. It is getting late. At least I heard from Dusty. That’s something. And he’ll have a letter waiting on Monday morning. Maybe another on Tuesday, who knows? What I want for my birthday is…! An appy filly from Tina and my  OAO true love. Well, I can wish. Goodnight Irene!

We knew a couple of colts were due any day and had been driving out the last few mornings just in case. This was not the day, though.  So back home, I saddled up old Prez to do the leading and such. But first a trip to the PO and I got a letter.  I am not sure now what it said but I probably misread and was upset but then sorted it out. I think Dusty often had walking pneumonia or similar in the late winter and with his asthma that was potentially serious. He mentioned going to the doctor and being worried about "getting taken out of service"-- basically put on medical leave.

Between the worry about Dusty, when the burro and my beloved mare would drop their colts and the usual work, I was worn out by evening. So I played records and loafed the hour or two away. I was hoping Maureen would come over the next day so I could either go down to her place--she lived near MacGuireville then-- and ride or something else fun instead of routine chores and nothing special. She was going to college up at NAU at this time.

There was not much I wanted for my birthday--it was going to be #22 and yet I was still living much in a mid-teen lifestyle except for my work. Yes, I hated and resented it and yet I was unable to find my way clear to simply decamp and bring all that to an end. It took me over a year to get to that point, in  short about fifteen months. I could just have said "I am going" on a date, out with friends or simply away to hunt work; I was legally an adult  and did not have to "obey" any of Dad's orders, rules or restrictions that I did not choose to. How could I not find the nerve to just do it? Habit, enmeshed family tangles and a sense of duty and responsibility, mainly. BTW OAO stood for One and Only!

Pictures! Well those two colts arrived before the next Saturday or May 1. Tina had her second foal on my birthday and Lila, the jenny burro, within the next day or two so I'll show them. At this time there were no birthday photos taken for any of us. Especially sad for Alex. First, Charlie Mike with Lila and her baby. Then Alex and me with the same foal. This was either Robin or the little jack we called "Martin Luther King" which I admit is NOT politically correct at all!! Next is Rico--that was what we named Tina's second son --just a day or two old and then Tina with him at her side.  And finally yours truly with a new shirt I had just made. I started with a men's medium size pattern and improvised sleeves, collars, yokes and such to create many styles.

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