Welcome to my World

Welcome to the domain different--to paraphrase from New Mexico's capital city of Santa Fe which bills itself "The City Different." Perhaps this space is not completely unique but my world shapes what I write as well as many other facets of my life. The four Ds figure prominently but there are many other things as well. Here you will learn what makes me tick, what thrills and inspires me, experiences that impact my life and many other antidotes, vignettes and journal notes that set the paradigm for Dierdre O'Dare and her alter ego Gwynn Morgan and the fiction and poetry they write. I sell nothing here--just share with friends and others who may wander in. There will be pictures, poems, observations, rants on occasion and sometimes even jokes. Welcome to our world!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Filosophical Phriday Part II

 Filosophical Phriday or maybe Phucked Up  Filosophy

Note: No pictures or eye candy. This is just the force of my words standing on their own solid feet.


I am not sure why I seem compelled yet again to discuss, defend, explain or share my political stance in this sadly divided county that is my home. But here I am.

 First, I grew to majority as basically a Liberal Libertarian, which might be called an oxymoron. I have always held for independence, responsibility and basically a patriotic feeling for my homeland and its emblems and classic documents. With age I grew slowly more Conservative but that can clash with Libertarianism also. Second I have not called myself a “Christian” nor now a “Cristyun’ Nationalist” at any point.  I was a rather conservative Pagan, another oxymoron. A Pagan I still am and always will be. In the last two decades or so I have shifted from  quasi-conservative activism (I still believe in property rights, minimalizing government control, ownership and ‘rules’ of anything and most of the ‘nanny state’ policies allegedly  created to take care of everyone) but the nuvo-conservatism has lost me totally.  I cannot go there. Period!

 To elaborate, I was raised by what I would term a flawed prototype for the Orange Man. For one thing he was not born rich to assume that level of entitlement but he was a narcissist and a ‘control freak’, fond of coining nasty nicknames for all but a very small circle of those he admired, and demanded absolute loyalty and obedience with dire consequences if you strayed an iota. He also sired and reared three kids, one girl and two boys.  However, he did not grab kitties; he said he loathed cats, and he was wed only once for life and was very much a prude in many ways.

 That brings me to this day. I simply cannot understand how any sane person could truly support and revere DJT in ANY way. He is foulness personified and as near a total opposite of “Jesus” or any other Divine personage as a human could be. He is a whiny, bratty three year old in his behavior and mentality, with no traits and abilities required to be a leader.  The only rationale for this adulation that I can imagine is these people have hidden--or even obvious --leanings toward bigotry, prejudice, discrimination, and a streak of vicious meanness and bullyism. His absolute personification and example thus validates them.  I see them as equally despicable and cannot get past that even for former friends.

Now I go to those who say they dislike or despise him and yet will vote for him in November because 1) they simply cannot accept ‘Liberalism’ even on a temporary basis,  2) they still see him as strong, a ‘true’ patriot and the only way for the USA to ‘be all it can be’. These folks I feel have become literally poisoned by the ‘Orange Koolaid’ of lies and fictions so widely spread by the new Republicans and the Christian Nationalists that they are blinded to reality.(*list of examples available on request) I can barely accept this but still must try to convince one-time friends and folks I have respected to set aside the blinders briefly and see the light! If there were only a Narcan (Nalaxone) type antidote for this lethal drug!

 What do I then advocate? I go to the analogy I’ve been using: suppose you have a wolf just outside the screen door, clawing and about to break in where your kids or grands are playing, unaware. Meanwhile you also have an infestation of cockroaches in the kitchen. What do you try to nullify first?  My answer is to deal with the most immediate and serious danger at once. That means defeating the MAGA machine, thwarting it in every way I can. Then I’ll deal with any troublesome ‘leftist’ roaches. Operative rule is Lethal vs nuisance!!

I see the Republican Regime with Project 2025--which is absolutely NOT a creation and fiction of the Democrats/Leftists--as a very real threat with serious intent to totally erase and recreate this country as a Dictatorship and ultimately a “Christian” Theocracy. Their doctrine and laws will match or exceed those of the Taliban and Imams in abusive restrictions on every aspect of your life. It will also enthrone a system described by Elon Musk where government is absolutely controlled and limited to the “upper strata” of males--the White Uber-Wealthy Oligarchs. People of color and the ‘poor’ uneducated common folks are deemed worthless except to be beasts of burden for the Elite. And of course the inferior female half of humanity are also not ‘real’ humans for they are so stupid, flawed and lacking in skill or ability as to be useless except to bear children and perform menial tasks for the pleasure and comfort of the Elite. Feudalism was called “the Dark Ages’. What would we label this horror??

 I admire Kamala Harris for her determination and her willingness to tackle some of the toughest opposition a politician has ever faced. She has some valid ideas and at least serves to balance this opposite plan. I do NOT agree with many of her long-term plans and ideas nor those of her running mate but I do not fear that or condemn them so strongly that any other alternative is better! Once they are in office, I can do a smooth switch and begin to write letters, even perhaps organize protests or publicize all that I feel is going in the wrong direction but for now, I am going to axe that damn wolf.  Do you, gentle reader, dare to do the same?

 I challenge all who stand in fierce opposition to the ‘horrendous’ Liberal threat. Do you really deep down fear that their policies and programs will endanger and damage you so  badly or are you secretly, maybe not even admitting to yourself, actually appalled and scared shitless that a woman, actually a woman of color could be in charge of your government? 

Ha, I hear so much silence! “Next question, please.” You really do not want to answer that one!

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