Welcome to my World

Welcome to the domain different--to paraphrase from New Mexico's capital city of Santa Fe which bills itself "The City Different." Perhaps this space is not completely unique but my world shapes what I write as well as many other facets of my life. The four Ds figure prominently but there are many other things as well. Here you will learn what makes me tick, what thrills and inspires me, experiences that impact my life and many other antidotes, vignettes and journal notes that set the paradigm for Dierdre O'Dare and her alter ego Gwynn Morgan and the fiction and poetry they write. I sell nothing here--just share with friends and others who may wander in. There will be pictures, poems, observations, rants on occasion and sometimes even jokes. Welcome to our world!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Memoir Monday, Sept 16, 1966

 Sept 16, 1966 Fri

Before I go on, I want to ask a question. I know many of my readers have been to college, maybe mostly later than my time there but it is not new or alien territory to the degree my cowboy girl life was. Might it get boring? There are still a number of plot threads that have not been resolved but do you really want to follow them for more installments? A warning, it is going to get a bit more choppy and not match up neatly day to day from here on out for many reasons and I am not sure how I will deal with that aspect.  So does anyone want to continue to follow this saga with those caveats? I surely will not be offended if you say no! I will make a decision probably before the next regular entry which would be September 23, but would appreciate any feedback.


The week of Sept 9-16 had seen me through my first week of  ‘college’, which included both some things I had expected and a lot of new experiences and challenges.  I had passed the first weekend on campus --well, there and walking all over town! The sudden lack of physical activity and work  for long hours to burn up lots of energy was a difficult adjustment. That first semester I did a lot of walking.

On that weekend, I also wrote letters--including one to Dusty to let him know about my sudden amazing change and where I was now including my campus mailbox and the closest dorm pay phone (old dorm only had a few scattered around)  I had communicated with him very little since his visit in June and his time in the hospital. I was not sure if his mail might still get intercepted or that such contact might put his job if not more at risk, so I had waited. I knew he was back at work now so took the chance and hoped this one would reach him. It did but I did not know that for awhile. 

I met a few girls in the hall and made a couple of tentative friends. I bought some light pink fabric and drew my little horses on it with crayon which 'set' with a warm iron to make curtains.  They did make the room less stark and institutional. After a couple of days, Kim moved out; I heard she was expelled after being caught in a men’s dorm long after curfew. I soon got a new roommate, Carol Nichols, who was close to my age and doing her student teaching. She had roomed for two years with Lila Bentley, a former Mingus grad who had been in my class. Small world. It took longer to get my first check than I had expected and that threw me into a brief panic but I managed to postpone various payments. It finally came midweek and went quickly but all the necessary things were covered.  I went to every class at least twice, attended a meeting of the rodeo club and  began to try to do homework most evenings. I was not too confident I could keep my grades where I felt they needed to be. That four year break…

I usually wrote up the day in my journal shortly before bedtime. Thus, Friday, Sept 16 got skipped because I want back to Clarkdale for the weekend and left soon after my last class. The Boss came up and got me that afternoon. Generally he seemed cordial and mildly curious about my experiences so far. I went along to the pasture and actually took part in a lot of talking, not really “talks” as such. It was a brief repeat of my return from California back in January--all nice and light for a time.  That evening Buzzie seemed to have a mild colic so I rode her around until dark. I felt like a visitor sleeping on the cot in the living room as Charlie Mike now had the double bed, formerly mine,  and that night shared with Alex. who had taken over the cot.

 Three photos from campus, fall 1966. The Forestry Building. The rodeo club met here and I knew several who had classes there.  Then the east face of North Quad and the main door. Morton Hall was around the corner to the right side. Finally, just south of campus on one of my many walks.

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