Much of this week was the Easter Holiday and spring break so my notes were very sporadic but I will reconstruct what I can,.Wednesday March 22 I went 'home' for longer than I had been since the Christmas/New Years' break and I was more than a bit nervous. Not sure what but some incident had me flashing back to the prior year. It was also again about the time I lost Tina and then Little Dusty and the horrible summer that followed. I know this time it passed and not too drastic. But I did not get back to Flagstaff until the late on the 28th, into the next week..
That being the case I will just pick up the weekend, March 18-19.
March 18, Sat. Half a wild weekend, a wild day but nice? I got up about 8:00. It was overcast, semi- cloudy. I had a Sego for breakfast and read a little while. Then I walked up to Foodtown to buy a little grub for the weekend. After that I went over to the Campus Union. Antigone was already on stage so I got a seat. After awhile Jim and his charges appeared and I joined them. I always feel rather ill-at-ease with the kids. Wonder if they resent and do not appreciate my presence, but no matter. I was invited to eat lunch with them--every little bit of free food helps!--and then we talked in the lobby for awhile. While I was standing right behind Jim in the cafeteria line, I kept wanting to lean over and rest my head against the soft wooly jacket he wore. I knew how soft it is from holding it at Christmas--hard to believe it is wool. Then I sat through the whole afternoon of plays at his side with no more intimate contact than arms occasionally touching. We certainly did not hold hands like some of the kids. Heck with being grown up and becoming inhibited! By then I developed a terrible splitting headache but I stayed to the bitter end and finally bid Jim adieu. He said I should give him a buzz over Easter. It was not the time to passionately plan a rendezvous in front of a bunch of overexcited teenagers. I staggered across to the dorm and fell into a near-coma on my bed. I came to at 6:30 sweetly dreaming in my exhaustion to hear the carillon chimes play their evening melody. (My, am I not poetic on a Saturday evening?) Mary came after awhile and we went for a walk in the misty twilight and had a snack at the Lumberjack. I had a cherry tart with ice cream atop it. Delicious! Back to the dorm and Carolyn (maybe Grenig, future roommate?) came in to talk for two hours and then we heard the TV. It was the "Student Prince" with Mario Lanza. Had to watch the latter half of that and then they had The Wonderful Country based on Tom Lea's novel. I remembered how I cried over the book years ago, so I stayed up until 1:00 to watch it. It followed the book fairly closely as I recall. Robert Mitchum and Julie London are not favorites of mine but the black Arabian really came across as the hero-horse. But he rang his tail too much, training issues I decided. What a day--and night. I was up for 17 hours with a two hour nap. Sunday I did very little for some reason!
March 20-22: The academic week was short and busy. I got a 1 on my biology test and will find out on the practical perhaps tomorrow. The "Man and the Arts" test was kind of rough. I will probably get a 2 again. I hope no worse! Oddly we wrote themes on Antigone for English today and our due date for the big paper has been extended one week. That was a big relief. My packing for the holiday is mostly done. It is about 8:00 pm and I am tired. I guess I'm dreading the vacation but I should not get too bogged down in just six days. I'm enough tied up between Jim and Ray not to be very anxious about Dusty who will probably not be around that whole time anyway. I aim to have a good time with lots of riding and such. May as well enjoy it while I can, no? Because it will be a grind then until school is out. It has been and will be hectic. I just hope peace and quiet will remain while I'm home. If not I'll be unhappy Have to get Mom to fill out the form for financial aid, after which my summer plans should iron out smooth. Actually things are going generally well. I am still haunted by last summer. Maybe in time I will get over it but it plagues me no end. Thank heaven I've done well in school so far. That makes it a little better, and assures I'll be allowed to stay and continue. It has become a commitment.
When Friday the 24th came I was in Clarkdale of course and no major issues had arisen. As I wrote "They should not fuss about Dusty --not with Jim. And I won't worry about going out with him at all now. After they didn't even wait up for me that night, it appears he is 'in' and I do like him. I may try to get that card to Dusty--or not. I will always love him but will try not to choke him by clinging too hard. I've said that before but I think I mean it now and can actually do it. As long as he needs and wants me, I will be there for him and never break that as I promised so many months ago. But now I do have "other posts to climb on" if I must and a post (as in fence post or other support!) I have to have as I have stood alone too long. I guess I still need to have my 'romance fix' one way or another. It is an insidious addiction.
There were still four days to go, including Easter Sunday. I did not write any more journal entries until the 29th when I was back in the dorm. But I added a bit about the rest of the holiday then. By the next Friday, it was the end of March.
Photos? Well really nothing very pertinent! So I will look around and try to find one or two to liven the lines of text. Old Student Union--I guess it is still actually one of several. The auditorium (middle area) was where the high school drama competition took place. and the cafeteria, under the same roof, was on the far left side in this photo. Morton Hall/North Quad was right across the street off the left edge The color shot is not mine but shows "Old Clarkdale" probably about 1960 or so. It is very different there now.