Welcome to my World

Welcome to the domain different--to paraphrase from New Mexico's capital city of Santa Fe which bills itself "The City Different." Perhaps this space is not completely unique but my world shapes what I write as well as many other facets of my life. The four Ds figure prominently but there are many other things as well. Here you will learn what makes me tick, what thrills and inspires me, experiences that impact my life and many other antidotes, vignettes and journal notes that set the paradigm for Dierdre O'Dare and her alter ego Gwynn Morgan and the fiction and poetry they write. I sell nothing here--just share with friends and others who may wander in. There will be pictures, poems, observations, rants on occasion and sometimes even jokes. Welcome to our world!

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Sunday Morning. Dara Knots..

I was out early today walking my red dogs around the neighborhood. Once again I had Kris Kristopherson's evocative song running through my mind. However it was Johnny Cash's cover of the tune that I 'heard'; it is perfect for his smoky low tone, the velvet-rough scrape of a cat's tongue in your ears. It was quiet, almost as if we were all alone in the world except for a few other dogs that barked as we passed by. I've never really been high or wished to be--my 'drug' of choice is something else, topic for another essay--but the loneliness surely resonates.

Which segues neatly into sharing some verses from this season, the main part of the little bit of writing I 've been able to do. They seem rather bleak or dark, I expect, and in some ways they are, but there is always a fine sliver of brightness shining through somewhere just as I feel in the deepest part of my depressions. Without further ado, here they are:

Loneliness designed this gown
That has come to fit me well,
Buttoned tight with solitude
For no one is left to tell.
Long gone dreams of yesteryear
Now a quilt of memories make.
Some nights I draw it over me,
Nights when sleep does me forsake.
Familiar faces, fading
Yet precious still and dear
Are the company I seek.
Though distant, they seem near.
So it may be I am not alone,
For shades and ghosts yet keep
Counsel and give comfort
When the silence grows too deep.

Words are still my playthings
After all these years.
Shape and color may intrigue
But words absorb my tears,
Capture all my joy and pain,
And shape it into rhyme.
I pour my soul out into words
As I have for all my time.
Painting pictures, singing songs
And capturing the taste
Of all that passes near me
That none of it may waste.
Still, words are my tools and toys,
The boards and bricks to make
My feeble try at a legacy
Before my leave I take.
A sandstone hoodoo standing yet
In wind and rain that will not let
Its primal lines remain for long.
Though scarred and scored, standing strong
For awhile yet, an eon or two!
What else is there for it to do?

And like that stone, I wear away
As time erodes me, day by day,
As wind and rain of troubled times
Scour me until only the rhymes
Within the core of me remain.
Foundation and frame withstand the pain.

            Anticipated Deja Vu
Looking ahead to a life-to-be
That waits beyond the veil for me.
Thinking of loose ends and broken ties,
Too late hellos and too soon goodbyes.
            With which one will the hand of fate
            Renew our bonds? I anticipate
            A reunion. At first we  do not recognize
            Kindred souls in a new disguise.
Still, strangers we can never be
For the Dara* knot of you and me
Will always entwine and reconnect
With the timeless bonds we both respect.
            I look forward to that bright someday
            And sense it is not too far away.
            You have already gone across
            To prepare and wait. My sense of loss
Diminishes as my days unwind
I’m alone yet I’m not and do not mind
As I look ahead to that life-to-be,
To another chance for you and me.

All poems (c) GMW Aug 2017

*A Dara knot is the main familiar Celtic interwoven pattern, inspired by the tangled roots of the Druid's sacred oak tree. "Dara" is also the use-name of my guardian angel, given to me in a powerful dream a number of years ago.  Here are a few examples. They can be very simple or extremely elaborate but I have a theory the ancient Celts came up with this and the many interlocking/interwoven patterns they used as a way to graphically portray the turns and twists of life and lives, the coincidences and connections, those jade vu moments and the soul mates and soul group we belong with.

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