Welcome to my World

Welcome to the domain different--to paraphrase from New Mexico's capital city of Santa Fe which bills itself "The City Different." Perhaps this space is not completely unique but my world shapes what I write as well as many other facets of my life. The four Ds figure prominently but there are many other things as well. Here you will learn what makes me tick, what thrills and inspires me, experiences that impact my life and many other antidotes, vignettes and journal notes that set the paradigm for Dierdre O'Dare and her alter ego Gwynn Morgan and the fiction and poetry they write. I sell nothing here--just share with friends and others who may wander in. There will be pictures, poems, observations, rants on occasion and sometimes even jokes. Welcome to our world!

Tuesday, December 22, 2020


 I've been working on my memoir as a 'big project' this year since fiction and poetry just do not want to flow.  I suspect my muse has Covid-itis and maybe political allergies and has gone into a deep hibernation to try to recover. Anyway, even my urge to do essays be they a look at some past matter or a diatribe, has flagged a bit. Therefore since I do not want my favorite blog to wither I've sought a new inspiration. I started keeping a diary/journal on June 1, 1955. I had just turned twelve years old a month before and was a sixth grader at a small rural school where my dad was my teacher. 

So on December 22,  1955:  Didn't do much. No fun. Got a letter from Heidi. Went to the Xmas celebration in the park.

What does that recall?  At that age 'fun' is rather important so the absence of any was worth noting. Since school was several miles down the valley and none of my school friends lived nearby, I may have a been lonely. I did have a few local girl friends in Clarkdale having lived there for about two years at this point. Evelyn Graves and Arlene Blahnik come to mind. Perhaps they were busy elsewhere. I think Loretta Watson, my first Clarkdale friend, was gone by then and the two horses we had owned for about two years were pastured down near the school so I could not go riding.

Heidi was Heidi Carter, an early pen-pal. She was the niece of the Ireys who had a ranch across the river from Cottonwood and we had known them for awhile. Heidi lived in La Jolla, CA but had visited the previous summer when we met, two horse-loving girls who formed a friendship and vowed to keep in touch. We corresponded sporadically for quite awhile but I do not recall we ever met face to face again. 

The celebration in the park refers to the central park of Clarkdale which is perhaps a quarter acre square with grass and trees and a gazebo or band stand in the center.I really cannot quite picture the event but I think Santa was there and probably small treats were handed out to the kids. There was probably some music like a choir from a local church or some other group singing and maybe even the Clarkdale High band played.  Brother Charlie who had been born in November of 1951 was now four and I imagine I took him up town for the event. Our house was on Lower Main so it was maybe a half mile walk mostly uphill, to get to the park. 

So long ago! Memory is not too detailed from those days and the small notes I was keeping do not tell much that can awaken them. I can find a few of photos, so let me share them. 

In order of their appearance. Riding down at "the ranch"--20 acres the family had bought south of the area where the school was. I was riding Lady and dad was on Chindy with Charlie perched in front of him. I was already very much into horses!  The next shot is Heidi Carter and her brothers and their dog. She gave this to me as a keepsake. And last is yours truly; I think this was 4th or 5th grade but it was undated and looks a bit younger than I would have been in 1955, then twelve. I did not have any more school photos until the start of 7th grade. 

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