Welcome to my World

Welcome to the domain different--to paraphrase from New Mexico's capital city of Santa Fe which bills itself "The City Different." Perhaps this space is not completely unique but my world shapes what I write as well as many other facets of my life. The four Ds figure prominently but there are many other things as well. Here you will learn what makes me tick, what thrills and inspires me, experiences that impact my life and many other antidotes, vignettes and journal notes that set the paradigm for Dierdre O'Dare and her alter ego Gwynn Morgan and the fiction and poetry they write. I sell nothing here--just share with friends and others who may wander in. There will be pictures, poems, observations, rants on occasion and sometimes even jokes. Welcome to our world!

Monday, May 23, 2022

Memoir Monday, May 23, 1961

 Near the end of the next-to-last year of school. Nothing too exciting!!

May 23, 1961

Another day passed. Now there are only nine left. Oh yes,, I can live that long. In nine days I will have passed or failed chemistry. In nine more days I will be free. Today was a long and boring day in school. We are having an archery test in PE. Coming down the stairs I fell and twisted my ankle, sprained it really. I didn’t ride Ruby tonight. We drove out to the corral and I rode Trixie back. Had a little trouble getting things done but once I took off, I was okay. My ankle was stabbed with pain but victory was mine. She walked and fast too. Somehow then I knew we had it made. I knew I could stop worrying. Tomorrow Dad is planning to go to St John. I will have to get up early and ride out to the pasture. I don’t think that will be bad though. I was worrying about Wayne’s letter but the solution is don’t answer it. I will at least wait til school is out--that’s only two weeks--before I answer his or any other letter unless something happens to make me change my mind. Well it is early to rise in the morning so I am going to get to bed before 10:30 for once. Hasta luego.

I guess I had more trouble with Chemistry than any class I ever took. (Well except for Algebra II which I began and then after the Mule Year, never resumed again.) At this time I had a big mental barrier about math and science, especially math. I had little trouble with chemistry until we got to the formula and valance stuff--that just boggled my brain. I got a 4 (D) one grading period and scared myself spitless.  Somehow I pulled thru that and ended up with a sympathy 3 (C) for the class. Bless Mr Clark--he really was a nice guy and a good teacher if a bit crotchety at times! I had geometry with him too and that was not hard when I convinced myself the angles and shapes were really art, not math! 

I was never really a klutz ( ha ha) but I would get in too big a hurry at times and do dumb things like trip on the stairs. My poor right ankle took a beating; got a bad cut once and probably sprained it half a dozen times. Then I broke both bones just above the joint in 1999 and had a piece of metal put in to stabilize it. Not been sprained since! Dr Susini did a good job so I 'immortalized' him with a different name in my novel Hearts to Heal which also uses my accident experience for my heroine's first scene--and how she meets the hero! I will get that book reissued later this year.

Ah, the little mules that I especially liked: Ruby and Trixie. They were both smaller--just about 14 hands high, barely not pony-size, so easy to saddle and mount, Ruby was a dark Hereford red with a white star and Trixie was black with a white muzzle and a dainty dished face (I think) from her Arabian mare mom.

The mentioned trip was another of those "ranch hunting' treks. Boy did that get old after awhile and I became terminally cynical about the prospect of ever moving. And I was right--it did not happen. Wayne was an off-and-on favored pen pal. He was always planning to come down (he lived in Washington) to make a rodeo so we could meet but that never happened.  He had been calling me every 2-3 weeks and I suppose I got chewed out for that, though I am not recalling clearly. 

Oh well, the angst and aggravations of being 18 and still essentially forced into a 12 year old's life style although I did an adult's work with the animals and had adult responsibility in that regard. Socially, no way.  It has taken me over a half century to unravel all this crap--part of the process is sharing glimpses from it.  I felt so alone and alien then; now I know my odd life was not that unique or strange in a broad  sense--so many have gone through trauma growing up, many much worse than mine.

Some recycled photos: Trixie under saddle; me holding Ruby  probably the prior summer; me on Trixie on the North Point Trail, Mingus; and Wayne Wylder, rodeo cowboy and pen pal. Lastly, me in May 1999 with my denim blue cast

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