Welcome to my World

Welcome to the domain different--to paraphrase from New Mexico's capital city of Santa Fe which bills itself "The City Different." Perhaps this space is not completely unique but my world shapes what I write as well as many other facets of my life. The four Ds figure prominently but there are many other things as well. Here you will learn what makes me tick, what thrills and inspires me, experiences that impact my life and many other antidotes, vignettes and journal notes that set the paradigm for Dierdre O'Dare and her alter ego Gwynn Morgan and the fiction and poetry they write. I sell nothing here--just share with friends and others who may wander in. There will be pictures, poems, observations, rants on occasion and sometimes even jokes. Welcome to our world!

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Monday Memoir July 31, 1965

 This was "the day after" and of course it did not go at all as I had intended or expected. Things never do because life is not a fairy tale or a pretty technicolor dream. But my relief was huge, like offloading a 150 pound pack of worry and anxiety, at least for a little while.

July 31, 1965 Sat

This was a busy but uneventful day.  I got up early and we hiked a little after doing the chores.  Just to look at tracks etc. We rode out after doctoring Ginger. No excitement. I rode Pat while Charlie Mike led Wowie. We checked the gondola by the depot and it is full of …timbers! I drove to Cottonwood to get grain and worm smear with Mom. The big blue Ford is parked by Fuqua’s Texaco. It seems to have a new door. Saw Garvin’s truck twice. I rode out at noon and was disappointed. Napped away most of the afternoon and wrote up the latest chapter of the Unfinished Story. We took Chief out and got all our PM chores  done fairly early. After supper Charlie Mike and I walked and talked as usual. I’m rather worried about Dusty. He has had more problems lately and they are sitting pretty heavy on him. How I’d like to lighten his burden, kiss that bruised eye and smooth the troubles out of his face. I can still taste the sweat, dust, creosote and tobacco flavor of my latest kiss. When I look at his picture I can hardly believe that those widely smiling lips have curved against mine and those brown long fingered hands have touched me. He may be ugly by lots of standards but so very vitally alive and real and so much like us in many ways but just enough different. And my love for him just spills over. So I impulsively reached out to him, pressed his hand to my face and then leaned down to kiss him in broad daylight. It seemed absolutely natural and right. I was not embarrassed or shy. Now I have to live for tomorrow.

This was a Saturday so it was a couple of tomorrows to live through.  Meanwhile life and work went on essentially unchanged. Worm smear was a thick pasty goop like tar that would cover a wound and seal out any more flies from laying eggs to become screw worms.  Apparently no mares seemed to be in season so the evening chores went fairly quickly and easily. 

The Unfinished Story was the separate journal or narrative I had begun to document the relationship as it developed starting almost a year previously.  I would not have forgotten much of it anyway but had saved that notebook. It did help with my memoir and my separate tale that became part of my Addicted  to Romance Memoir Book 2.  I need to remind readers that I might have been 22 but was still so very inexperienced and all of this was new to me and not always easy nor entered with confidence and sureness--except I was positive I was in love. 

I really have no new or suitable added photos. Horses are not germane here at this day and hour and the moment's cloud nine feel is not illustrate-able. Yet just plain text is so dull as even Alice in Wonderland observed or maybe some other childhood book's heroine. Old brain cannot quite dredge that up. Heck, I'll just be vain and use pix  me from along about this time. Just to have a picture though. So two--not new for sure. I made that shirt that summer and may have already mentioned it; if not it was in August. I know I  made the dress in July as I was impatiently waiting and had every intention to show it off to Dusty. He had hardly seen me in anything but grungy work clothes but that changed a bit over the next two months. We did not actually "go out" as I was not trying to rub the folks' noses in it and would have been forbidden if not actually locked up!! But we managed to share quite a few evenings and I mostly kept the 10:00 curfew!  My life was still so very out-of-step with the times. 


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