Welcome to my World

Welcome to the domain different--to paraphrase from New Mexico's capital city of Santa Fe which bills itself "The City Different." Perhaps this space is not completely unique but my world shapes what I write as well as many other facets of my life. The four Ds figure prominently but there are many other things as well. Here you will learn what makes me tick, what thrills and inspires me, experiences that impact my life and many other antidotes, vignettes and journal notes that set the paradigm for Dierdre O'Dare and her alter ego Gwynn Morgan and the fiction and poetry they write. I sell nothing here--just share with friends and others who may wander in. There will be pictures, poems, observations, rants on occasion and sometimes even jokes. Welcome to our world!

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Monday Memoir, Dec 25, 1965

This one is not sad or ugly. I was in Sacramento and experienced a big family holiday 'state dinner' for the first time in my life. My parents did not do such things--we might have a somewhat special meal, maybe mid-afternoon with a snack at supper time but were too far away from relatives and had none of that sort of friends. So here is my impression of the day.

Dec  25, 1965 Sat

I awoke at 8:30 or so after falling asleep over my letters about 3:00. I dressed in my purple outfit for the holiday. Ruth and I drove over to Roxie’s and I pitched in to helping with the dinner. I really enjoyed myself but for worrying about the home folks. It’s enjoyable to work on such projects; I get along pretty well with Roxie. I peeled potatoes, made dips and all sorts of little chores. The big family dinner is an experience I’ve never had before but it was fun in a way. We listened to Steve’s new phonograph and visited some. It was really pleasant. Dan and his family arrived about 8:30. Mama Daisy is a character. She was dressed in black chiffon or crepe or something with diamonds and pearls. The little girls are sweet and affectionate. Small Mark is spoiled. The meal was delicious. I drank wine like everyone else and didn’t care for it. I got some very lovely gifts which I greatly appreciate--a pretty car coat from Grace and Ruth and nice underclothes etc. from Roxie and the boys. Dan gave me a check for twenty five dollars. We stayed ‘til 1:00 am and I helped clear the table etc. Ruth and I talked for awhile after coming home. Yes, I probably should go home but I think maybe I can manage things a bit better. I’ll give it a final try and then quit for good.

I'd been trying to write my continuing letter to Dusty to be sent around January 1 and also some response to the continual flood of letters that arrived from Arizona and had finally fallen asleep. I won't go into detail on that here. I was still at Grace and Ruth's. The move to stay at Roxie's happened a few days later.

I am not sure which  purple outfit but I think one I had made and worn in the summer--a gathered skirt trimmed with lace around just above the hem and a simple tailored shirt in lilac. I will say that I got along well with Roxie. She was very interested in home making things, loved to cook and was pleased with my sewing. Steve and Larry were in and out. We had munchies off and on as dinner was to be late. 

Uncle Dan and his family arrived as I said. His wife was French and I think she had married a soldier late in WW II and come to the US. He died or they divorced, leaving her with four kids that Dan adopted.  Then they had two girls and a boy, June Annette, Janine and Mark. Her name was Christiane and she went by Chris. Her mother had apparently been wealthy before the war and still kind of had "airs" --LOL--which the aunts did not appreciate.Hey, they came from Old Southern Aristocracy as well. (meow.)  Anyway, she was called Mama Daisy. Chris had brought to the family a French habit of wine on special occasions which was generally accepted. 

As Christmases went, it was a much more pleasant one than some I had survived and one of a high points of my stay. They all were really very good to me. I never forgot that and really appreciated all they did. They had quirks too but were essentially good 'normal' people. 

Pictures. This was the fireplace in the family room at Aunt Roxie's, probably over a year later. I am sure the guitar was Steve's; he was into music and influenced Charlie Mike a lot.  Next that purple outfit, the summer of 1965 or 1966. Third is Charlie,Mike, again a couple of years later at Aunt Roxie's. Last Dan and Chris shortly after they married in 1958. He had a pilot's license and flew over to Cottonwood so we could meet her. I think he flew in the Air Force although he was a doctor then. 

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