Welcome to my World

Welcome to the domain different--to paraphrase from New Mexico's capital city of Santa Fe which bills itself "The City Different." Perhaps this space is not completely unique but my world shapes what I write as well as many other facets of my life. The four Ds figure prominently but there are many other things as well. Here you will learn what makes me tick, what thrills and inspires me, experiences that impact my life and many other antidotes, vignettes and journal notes that set the paradigm for Dierdre O'Dare and her alter ego Gwynn Morgan and the fiction and poetry they write. I sell nothing here--just share with friends and others who may wander in. There will be pictures, poems, observations, rants on occasion and sometimes even jokes. Welcome to our world!

Monday, January 3, 2022

Memoir Monday Jan 3--1958 & 1961

Two views from the same calendar day, three years apart. Older but no wiser? I am intrigued by watching the author age and grow. (I really hardly identify with that person now so am not abashed to discuss her)  So much and yet so little changed through those fast-moving years from 15 to 18 or even a few more.

Jan 3, 1958

Got up early. Fed the stock. Came in and ate breakfast Saddled Tina and rode uptown. Got a letter from Jerry and a darling bracelet from Hot Springs, Arkansas  where he is right now. Mama Witt sent me a picture of him. He is real cute. No other mail. Rode to Cottonwood. Got car part. Didn’t see anyone I knew. A few cute guys though. Finished car work early.   Usual chores etc. The weather is stormy. I’ve got a real honest to goodness boyfriend and I am thrilled. Well, adios. Gaye

Jan 3, 1961

I woke up feeling pretty lousy so I decided I’d better stay in bed and rest so I wouldn’t get really sick. I had the shivers and was really achy. I got nine letters this morning, three new ones that weren’t too interesting and six replies. Two I am not answering. Judy Crouch I’ll write to in a few days. I worked on my chemistry some more and got all but a few done. I rested a lot and feel considerably better. I did the home chores and the folks went out to the pasture. I curled my hair and washed up so I am planning to go back to the ‘pen’ tomorrow. I’d give anything to quit when the semester ends and do the rest of the year by correspondence. I just hate school. It is the dreadfulest thing. I wish we only went about half an hour in each of the five classes and then got out at noon every day. A least I’d have a little more time to myself then and have that many less hours to spend with the gooneys every day. The world situation seems to be pretty serious. If things worked out just right, or really wrong, there could easily be a war. No one wants it but there is trouble everywhere.  Goodness knows what will happen in the next twelve months. Sometimes I wish I could turn back the clock but of course I can’t. I must just live each day one at a time. As I have said before, that’s the only way I can stand it. When you forget the past and the future it’s easier. I’m born again every time the sun comes up. Adios, Fey

A few notes: Jerry Rose was a neighbor of my maternal grandparents in Irvine, KY. I'm not sure how we became pen pals  but I know Grandma (Mama Witt) encouraged it. I wish I still had a photo since I really cannot recall what he looked like but we had fun writing for awhile and he sent me a present! I think that bracelet fell by the wayside many years ago and we both moved on to other interests. 

Those first  few short sentences occurred in about 3/4 of my daily records at that time. Variety was not  the norm. This must have been a weekend since I do not mention "ate and left for school" next!

By 1961 I was getting into serious pen pals. Judy Crouch was another horse lover who lived near LA. We met a  few years later after I was in college in Flagstaff and even were roommates for about a year in 1970-71 after she moved to Arizona.  I had several pet names for school, usually referencing some sort of incarceration. I really did not hate it as much as I let on but I did prefer to be outdoors and especially riding at that point, before my serious cowboy girl years had that becoming a full time and taxing job that gradually became less fun.  I did not feel an accepted and comfortable part of my classmates at this point and was troubled that my lifestyle and family were so different than everyone else's. A few of the guys did tease and somewhat bully me. I despised Eric Stadleman, who I felt was one of the worst.

On the international scene this was the era of the Cold War, the Cuban Missile Crisis and a good deal of angst about the future. Bomb shelters, attack drills at school sheltering under the desks, and much that seems  rather odd now. Peace is a fleeting and rare commodity no matter when.  No, there was nothing like Covid but I seemed to have colds, flu- like viruses and sore throats--tonsillitis and strep--half the time. 

So a few  pix:    Arrival at San Bernardino on visit to Judy, spring 1968.  She lived in Perris at this time. Judy and a horse  she exercised.   Me and Tina summer 1957. Geeky Gaye/Margaret, eighth grade  Clarkdale  School.

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