Welcome to my World

Welcome to the domain different--to paraphrase from New Mexico's capital city of Santa Fe which bills itself "The City Different." Perhaps this space is not completely unique but my world shapes what I write as well as many other facets of my life. The four Ds figure prominently but there are many other things as well. Here you will learn what makes me tick, what thrills and inspires me, experiences that impact my life and many other antidotes, vignettes and journal notes that set the paradigm for Dierdre O'Dare and her alter ego Gwynn Morgan and the fiction and poetry they write. I sell nothing here--just share with friends and others who may wander in. There will be pictures, poems, observations, rants on occasion and sometimes even jokes. Welcome to our world!

Friday, November 11, 2022

Veterans' Day Thoughts

 Veterans’ Day Thoughts--Nov 11, 2022

 I feel almost broken today. For most of my life, surely all my adult life, I have felt I was patriotic. I love my country whether or not I favor any current government. I am a “nationalist’’ and also a staunch supporter of the military, especially our veterans. I worked for the army and air force for twenty five years, seeing their flaws, but never ceased to respect them. As a VFW Auxiliary life member, my money goes ahead of my mouth there. The old saw “All gave some and some gave all” does not feel like a truism to me; it is a Truth in the deepest sense. However, today I am almost embarrassed to call myself a patriot. Several important labels I want to claim have been preempted by a group of false prophets to throw a concealing ‘flag’ over their nefarious schemes and plans. I do not want to be mistaken for one of them.

 I am deeply saddened to see how many people who I have long considered friends and always held in deep regard and respect have been mislead by these same false prophets. They have tragically become seduced into idolatry of a “golden calf” to a degree that leaves them blind and brainwashed, unable to see truth and good buried by lies and deceptions. I have to feel pity as well as horror over what I perceive.

 The real traitors are not the ones those ‘leaders’ deceitfully label as such. To wit, a current candidate for Senator in Arizona blatantly scorns and denigrates the military and says that our country has never participated in a “just war.”  A candidate for governor wants to secede from the United States and make Arizona an independent nation. A candidate for Arizona Secretary of State, which is the official charged with overseeing and managing elections, is a self- proclaimed member of the Oath Keepers and was admittedly in Washington DC on January 6, 2021 with intent to violently reject tradition, constitutional law and historic practice.  While he apparently did not enter the Capitol, he was there to aid, abet and encourage those who did. Why he has evaded any charges I have no idea. All three have never served in the military they so scorn and the two men probably could have emulated their idol (that golden calf) and managed a 4F status by ingrown toenails, crooked teeth or similar “defects.”

 What have we come to? I am past shock and disgust. I did vote yet had to choose the lesser of evils in many cases. I have been Conservative most of my adult life and still subscribe to most of the ideas and tenets of that group. Unfortunately, the old Republican party of Goldwater, Reagan and others has been prostituted and contorted into something far different. I do not call this new movement Republican. Let them wear other labels that fit closer--“Christian” nationalists, neo-fascists and white supremacists. How can they dare to call themselves “Patriots”?

 I still believe in less government intervention in almost all aspects of our life and national posture; I do not feel throwing vast sums of money at a problem does anything to ‘fix’ it; and I do not think reverse discrimination is the answer to the problems US minorities and ‘people of color’ continue to struggle with. In short, it is mostly reinforcing the idea they are somehow “inferior” and cannot make it on their own! So I am not at heart a Progressive or Liberal and shall not be one. But the New Alt-Right is NOT my home either. The one-time ‘party of the people’ (Democrats) has become as much or more the party of the powerful and affluent as the old business and free enterprise party (Republicans) has ever been. Working people now have no champion. Oh, we are given lip service in the pursuit of votes and control, but it is completely hollow.

 So today I am torn and sad, feeling very disenfranchised and homeless in a political and ideological way. Perhaps as my grandfather said when approaching his 100th birthday in 1997, I have lived long enough. Maybe even too long. Many days I feel like a dinosaur and totally out of step and out of place in this 2022 world. What is there to live for, look up to, revere and believe in today?  I find no answer. There are still many good people who do their best to be courteous, caring and compassionate--but few to none of them run for office. They would never be allowed to win and would be crucified in the meantime. 

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