Welcome to my World

Welcome to the domain different--to paraphrase from New Mexico's capital city of Santa Fe which bills itself "The City Different." Perhaps this space is not completely unique but my world shapes what I write as well as many other facets of my life. The four Ds figure prominently but there are many other things as well. Here you will learn what makes me tick, what thrills and inspires me, experiences that impact my life and many other antidotes, vignettes and journal notes that set the paradigm for Dierdre O'Dare and her alter ego Gwynn Morgan and the fiction and poetry they write. I sell nothing here--just share with friends and others who may wander in. There will be pictures, poems, observations, rants on occasion and sometimes even jokes. Welcome to our world!

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Memoir Monday, Oct 9 1965

 If memory serves, it was the last really nice day for awhile.  Ginger was about to go to her new owners, two young women in Cottonwood,  and just this once there were few to no 'incidents' or uproars for a whole day! Too good to last? Yes, it was. 

Oct 9, 1965, Sat

Got up at 7:00 and did the feeding etc.We didn’t try to hurry much. Finally Charlie Mike and I rode out on Cinder and Buzz and the Boss drove. We wormed several and did the chores and then took off with Hubert. He was kind of ornery but not too terrible. The Boss rode Buzz to haze him for me as Charlie Mike had trouble.  He (the Boss) thought he’d lost his wallet but had really left it at home. (No one was blamed for that!). Mar came over then on Elaine’s appy and we talked briefly. We went down to Cook’s and got Susie, stopped to see Kitty (she bought a horse, cuss!) and then brought Ginger home. I rode her after lunch and she was okay.  I was quite relieved. I rode out and turned Prez loose, put Ginger with Bravo, did the chores and brought Cinder home. After supper I wrote to Judy and played records, Dusty’s gift last. It’s okay; there are three songs that I really like. So now I feel dreamy--it’s time to go to bed. I’ve had little time to think of my beloved all day but the warmth of his hand and the smooth coolness of yesterday’s farewell kiss is still very much with me. This was a darn good day for a Saturday. Now for tomorrow.

It was a fairly typical and routine day of  little 'catch ups' on various livestock tasks. Worming was a regular part of routine care and for the most part, mixed with mash (soaked grain or sweet feed) the animals took the medicine with no problems. Hubert was one of the two big mules we had gotten from the Phoenix feed and livestock dealer a few months earlier. I think we were going to put him in another pasture. He led normally but was not happy to leave his buddies there so had to be urged to allow Cinder to pull him. He was almost twice as big! I'm not sure why Charlie Mike could not get Buzzie to do what was needed but he was still learning and she was more familiar with me. It was probably one of very few times Dad ever rode her. He had no complaints that day but the next spring dissed her as "kid broke and worthless"--which really torqued me!! She was absolutely NOT!!

Elaine-- Stoos? I'm not sure: anyway another horsey gal we knew as did my friend Maureen Jewell. Kitty was another one. They all lived around Cottonwood. I think Cooks had bought the Bent River Ranch, on the west side of the river and catty-corner from Tuzigoot and the pasture. We may have planned to try to sell Suzie who was Ginger's dam. Didn't, though. Ginger and Bravo (Tina's first) were both 1963 foals so were two-plus years old now. He was an unaltered horse but unless Ginger was in season,  they would be okay together. I wanted to give Ginger a final ride and be sure she was staying trained before she went off to the new owners. Clearly she was. I had done a good job, not to brag but just being honest. 

A little about the record from Dusty. He had given it to me because of a few songs on it. Eddie Dean was a  middle level Country singer at that time, just below the big names like Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings  and Buck Owens. Somewhere along the way I lost that original record but working on my memoir book I realized I wanted to have it again. I got many old vinyl disks through an outfit called Discogs. They have contacts all over and track rare stuff down when requested.. I was still in Alamogordo when it arrived and I promptly recorded it on a CD to keep safe.  'One Has My Name' was kind of our song, Dusty's at least. And there were a couple of others on it with special meaning for us. We were not much into rock but both country fans. 

So pictures?  The first shot is a big mule, not Hubert as he was standard gray-brown "mule color" but this big. Next to show Cinder, he is 2nd from left. Annie is on Mom's  right--fairly tall but not bulky and Charlie Mike has Beano who was siimilar in size to Cinder. I have Jupiter--fairly large-- and on my left Trixie who was rather small.  Next shot is Mom with Albert; Hubert was this tall but much heavier.  And last the cover of my replacement Eddie Dean album. I can't scan the whole thing. 9 x 12 is about the max. Most album covers are roughly a foot square. 

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