Welcome to my World

Welcome to the domain different--to paraphrase from New Mexico's capital city of Santa Fe which bills itself "The City Different." Perhaps this space is not completely unique but my world shapes what I write as well as many other facets of my life. The four Ds figure prominently but there are many other things as well. Here you will learn what makes me tick, what thrills and inspires me, experiences that impact my life and many other antidotes, vignettes and journal notes that set the paradigm for Dierdre O'Dare and her alter ego Gwynn Morgan and the fiction and poetry they write. I sell nothing here--just share with friends and others who may wander in. There will be pictures, poems, observations, rants on occasion and sometimes even jokes. Welcome to our world!

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Memoir Monday Sept 4, 1965

 September came right on schedule. And why shouldn't it? The weather stayed summery for much of the month though we did get a late storm or two, but most evenings were still nice to be out. This was the Labor Day weekend so I had three less favorite days to get through. 

Sept 4, 1965 Sat

Got up at 7:00 and did the chores. I fiddled with my tape recorder for awhile, debating whether or not to sell the little monster. I guess I will. After breakfast we drove to the pasture and hauled hay. Got back and Charlie Mike went up for mail--nada. Saddled up and led the little ones over past the outfit and around. I rode Annie out while Charlie Mike did the home chores. Went ‘shopping’ in the afternoon. All I bought was a spool of thread and a 25 cent notebook for the Unfinished Story. I get real disgusted trying to shop and stretch money. That is the most hateful deal possible. I got a few pages of the story copied before riding out time. I rode alone and did the chores. We'd put Chip and Pepper out and Ginger in the main pen. Hope the mule’s leg gets okay.  Ginger won’t drink. I may have to put her back out. Evelyn came down and we drove around, She is getting married the 18th and they are going to live in Tucson. She invited me to her wedding. Dale came about then and we all went over to the Dairy Queen and had milk shakes. He didn’t recognize me at first. Probably I could go with him if I wanted to but he seems so childish even if  he does smoke cigarettes and drink. I’m afraid Dusty has spoiled me terribly, especially the past month. I’ll tease him a little about going out, ‘specially since he has not taken me to the DQ  yet. Maybe he will…! I can’t be very mean though. Two more days--it helped this evening! I came back at nine and played records and wrote two letters. It's past bedtime now so I’d better wash up and hit the hay. Night all. 

Of course the routine work went on. We watched Chip's cut leg closely but it seemed to be healing okay. I took advantage of Charlie Mike being out of school for a few days more and we got as much done as we could.  I am not sure if I went to Cottonwood to "shop" or just to Coffman's--the one time Selna store-- uptown but probably the latter. I'm not sure either where from or how I had even that much change to spend. Pop bottles perhaps. 

I had not seen Evelyn much for awhile. She was in Prescott for a time, had gone to visit a brother and sister-in-law in California and was rarely at her parent's house. This evening she came by driving Albert's car which she had use of part of the time.We drove around until her brother Dale showed up and we all went to the Dairy Queen.  I had finally quit asking; I might tell Mom I was going if it was convenient but that was it.  I generally was home by about 10:00 and did not feel I needed to explain where I had been or what I had done. It was my own business as an adult of twenty two years! Of course I had gone out (finally!) with Dale a few times my last year of high school and first year after that but he had been gone awhile. I can't say if he liked me especially or not; there was no electricity or chemistry on my side of it anyway.  I never pictured us as a couple.

I am pretty sure Dusty had gone back to Kingman since Johnny was going to be going back to school--at nine I guess 4th grade or so. Dusty had a semi-apartment in a friend's garage loft but occasionally stayed in Johnny's room if he had things to do with the boy. Anyway he'd be back on Tuesday and I was hopeful of some more good evenings. However they often had to work late to finish a job so the train could get through or some other issue came up and I never knew until later, usually the next day. I'd fret and worry, of course! Gosh but a cell phone would have been such a prize!

One year more to survive now. I wish I had known there would finally be a sudden and huge change. I sometimes dreamed of it but at this time really did not believe it possible. Unfortunately things had to get a good bit worse before.better. Eight months of 1966 were mostly as close to hell as I ever intend to be! I cried enough tears to put out the flames and --well, no use dwelling on that for now.

Pictures? I'm not even sure I can find any.  Ok-- Just a few much later shots of places that were important at this time. They will probably look very uninteresting for memories do not show! 1) Looking down to 'the canyon'; the corrals were once where the bare area is, 2) The back road I called Standard Oil Hill; the building was once part of the bulk plant and  we parked at that wide spot at the left more than once!  3) I mention the loading dock at the foot of lower main. The dirt pile is where it was as a spur track came up to the north end so a vehicle could get on a flat car. Dusty found Charlie Mike and me sitting there often.  4) I rode on this hill often behind the Club House, the Old Church (now library) and City Hall.. Dusty pulled in there by the old garage and met me at times, usually Friday afternoon.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi!

    You mentioned Selna's store and I had some great memories. I recall S & H Green Stamps, and being able to go in with coupons that they would allow us to cash as long as we spent the money in the store (on candy!).

    The building below what used to be the Clarkdale pool was Joe Zunicks place. My dad was a police officer and worked security there during the filming of "The Name of the Game is Kill" with Susan Strasburg and Jack Lord (Stony Burke). I was just a kid, but I got to meet the actors. It is sad that the pool isn't there anymore.

    We had the Atlantic Richfield station in Old Town Cottonwood that is now Bing's Burger station. We had a bulk plant in Clarkdale closer to the river.

    I got to meet Elvis too, when they were filming "Stay Away Joe". THAT was a BIG DEAL! Too bad the movie was a flop. But it has beautiful scenery. There are a few more I remember - The Rounders (all I remember in the hat/waitress scene at the Hitching Post in Sedona - Glenn Ford and Henry Fonda), Junior Bonner (Steve McQueen) and Billy Jack (I didn't meet Tom Laughlin).

    I could go on about the memories, but I really ought to get back to work.


    P. S. I deleted my other comment because I could not figure out how to edit it from my phone. This says the same thing, but I had a couple of typos I fixed and I added a sentence.
